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Create Venues

Use Venues to provide information about the locations of your physical events.

Theo Patt avatar
Written by Theo Patt
Updated over 7 months ago

Venues represent the locations where your physical events take place. Add venues to your physical events so your audience knows where to go!

Create a Venue

  1. Select your event bucket from your Eventive Dashboard

  2. Click "Venues" in the lefthand navigation

  3. Click "Create New Venue"

Venue Settings

  • Name: The full name of the venue, which is displayed in the Dashboard, your Schedule, and on the event detail page.

  • Short name: Displayed when customers view events in the compact Schedule view and on other pages with limited space - ie. "Philly JCC" instead of "Philadelphia JCC."

  • Description: Add a description here as needed, ie. "Use entrance on 42nd Street." Shown on the event detail page.

  • Address: Displayed on the event detail page. If specified, a "Get directions" link will be provided.

  • Seating: The default selection is "Open seating," or you can select "Reserved seating". Learn more about setting up reserved seating.

  • Default capacity: When creating a new event at this venue, the capacity specified here is used as the default number of tickets available provided that the venue capacity is set before a ticket bucket is created. Changes to the venue capacity will not retroactively update ticket bucket quantities. You can edit this on a per-event basis using Ticket Buckets.

  • Tag color: Customize the color used for the venue, which is visible on your Schedule.

Add the venue to a physical event

After creating a venue, you need to add it to physical events! Check out our guide to creating events.

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