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All About Ticket Transfers

Allow your audience to transfer tickets between accounts, including standalone tickets and tickets unlocked with a pass.

The Eventive Team avatar
Written by The Eventive Team
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Complete a ticket transfer on behalf of a customer from your Admin Dashboard, or share the instructions at the bottom of this article with your audience so they can transfer a ticket themselves!

Ticket Transfers from and Event or Screening's Ticket List

To transfer a ticket from your Admin Dashboard, navigate to either Virtual Screenings or Physical Events, click View next to the screening:

then click Tickets:

Find the ticket order you wish to transfer, then click Transfer and enter the recipient's email address in the pop-up window.

​NOTE: Bulk ticket transfers are currently not an option.

Ticket Transfers from the Customer Profile

You can also transfer a tickets from the tickets table on the customer profile by clicking the 'Transfer' link in the Actions column of the Ticket Table

NOTE: Bulk ticket transfers are currently not an option.

Configuring Ticket Transfers for Passholders

To allow passholders to transfer tickets redeemed with their passes, you must check the box next to "Allow passholders to transfer tickets ordered with pass" on the pass bucket's settings page:

To disable standalone ticket transfers, open Additional Settings on your Event Bucket Settings page, then select "Disable standalone ticket transfer for all users" under Advanced Ticketing Settings:

Ticket Transfer Instructions For Your Audience

Send these instructions to your audience to share how they can transfer tickets!

1. Once you've unlocked a virtual ticket or purchased a physical event ticket, log into your Eventive account and click My Tickets in the top right corner of your screen.

2. Click the 'Manage' button next to the ticket you wish you transfer.

3. Click Transfer Tickets.

4. Confirm the ticket you want to transfer by checking the box next to the ticket name, then click the blue "Transfer 1 Ticket" button on the bottom right.

5. Enter the recipient's email address, then click the blue "Confirm & Send Transfer" button.

6. The ticket will still appear in your My Tickets page. It will now say "1 Transfer Pending."

If you click the 'Manage' button again, you can see the details of the pending transfer, resend the transfer email, cancel the transfer and / or set up additional transfers.

7. Your recipient will receive an email from with the subject line "Gift from [your email address]" Your recipient must click the blue Accept Gift Stream button!

NOTE: If your recipient doesn't see the email, ask them to check their Spam folder and to search for ""

8. Once your recipient clicks Accept Gift Stream, the ticket will no longer appear on your My Tickets page.

Why don't I see a ticket on the Person page?

If the ticket in question doesn't appear under "Tickets" on a customer's Person page, there are a few things that may have happened:

  • the customer may have used a different email upon checkout

  • the customer may have transferred their ticket to another customer

  • the customer may have had the ticket transferred to them, but may not have properly accepted the transfer; in this case the ticket is still on the account of the customer who was transferring them the ticket.

  • the customer may not have properly completed their purchase.

If you can't locate a customer's ticket on their account, it is helpful if they can provide their Order Confirmation Email and / or can provide the order details from their credit card statement.

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