Pass Buckets represent the types of passes and memberships available at your event! Create Pass Buckets to set up All Access Passes, Filmmaker Passes, and beyond.
Watch our Creating Pass Buckets video!
Create a Pass
Click Pass buckets on your lefthand menu
Click Create new pass bucket
Fill out the settings in the General Tab
Fill out the settings in the Pass Rules Tab
Click Save!
The two sections of the Pass Bucket editor that are required in order to create a functioning Pass are the General Tab and the Pass Rules Tab.
General Tab
Start by filling out the General tab, which is the first tab of options available when you open the pass bucket editor.
Name: Shown in Dashboard and to customers
URL code: Used in URL for customer pass sales
Price: List price for the pass
Quantity: Leave "Unlimited quantity for sale" selected, or unselect it to limit the number of passes available for sale
Recurrence: See Creating recurring passes
Cancellation: See Allow passholders to cancel tickets
Ticket transfer: Select this to allow passholders to transfer tickets unlocked with their pass to other audience members. Learn more about ticket transfers
Quantity price breaks: See Offer quantity price breaks
Sale price: Select this if you wish to enable a discounted price. The discount will be highlighted as a sale on your Pass Sales page
Advance reservations: You can adjust the requirement for passholders to make advance ticket reservations for a specific pass bucket. If you want the requirement to be different from the default event bucket setting, uncheck “Use default event bucket setting”. Learn More about Advance Reservations and Instant Tickets for Passholders.
Gift purchases: Select this to allow this type of pass to be purchased as a gift. Learn more about gifting passes
Status: Leave "Enable ticket orders" selected unless you wish to disable this pass
Advanced Settings
Click "Show advanced settings" to edit these settings:
Sales locked: Select this to require a valid discount code in order to purchase this pass. Learn more about creating codes to buy locked tickets/passes. Currently the messaging for this feature is not customizable.
Sales pass-locked: Select this to make this pass bucket only available for purchase by customers who already have a different pass. Enable this to create an "upgrade pass," for example. This setting will disable standalone purchases of this pass.
Allow users to access scannable barcode from their "My Passes" page: Leave this selected if your event is in-person or hybrid and you want to generate barcodes that can be scanned at the door. Unselect this box if your event is virtual as the barcode is only needed for in-person events.
Require passes to be checked in using Eventive Check-In before they can be scanned at Physical Events: Useful for events that wish to enforce a COVID vaccination check. Organizers can instruct passholders to show their vaccination cards at a check-in booth, for example, and then mark the passholder as Checked In. If a passholder tries to scan into an event before getting Checked In, the Eventive Scanner will flash red.
Visible for sale in Box Office: Leave this selected in order to issue this pass to customers using your Box Office.
Next Up: Messages tab (optional)
Remember, the most important sections to complete in the Pass Bucket editor are the General Tab and the Pass Rules Tab.