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Print with Stimare CLS 300 for Windows or Mac
Print with Stimare CLS 300 for Windows or Mac

How to set up and use the Stimare ticket printer using a Windows PC or Mac.

Alana Davis avatar
Written by Alana Davis
Updated over 2 months ago

Instructions for Windows or Mac laptop users for how to set up and use the Stima CLS 300 thermal printer. Please skip to the bottom of this article for Mac instructions.

Windows Instructions: Download & Install the Driver

CLICK HERE to download drivers for Windows

If you are experiencing out of date drivers or other technical issues, please contact Stimare Support for in-depth troubleshooting assistance. Their US Customer Support based team has open phone lines from 9am-5pm MT Monday-Friday.

Download the ZIP file and extract the files. You may need to grant permissions for a third party software to be installed. If prompted, select “Run Anyway” to continue installing the application. Install the standard Driver Package and follow the Driver Installation Wizard instructions.

Plug the power cable and USB cable into the printer plug in the USB and power on the Device.

Open Settings > Devices > Bluetooth & Other Devices. You should see the printer listed in “Other Devices” typically as KPM300-H 300 DPI. The computer now sees that a printer is connected. Now, we need to tell it that we would like to use this device to print.

Click on Printers and Scanners and then Click “Add a Printer or Scanner.” After your computer scans for devices, click “The printer that I want isn't listed.”

Select “Add a local printer or network printer with manual settings” and click Next.

Select “Use an existing port” and then “USB00X (Virtual printer port for USB)” from the drop down menu.

Click on CUSTOM under Manufacturer and select STIMA and then click Next.

Rename the device if you wish and click Next.

The drivers are now installed and are ready for you to print. Follow the below for added efficiency.

Creating and Applying Default Settings

Open the Print Server Properties in Printers and Scanners, and click “Create New Form.” Create a form matching the dimensions of your tickets.

Now, you can set this new form as a default paper option for the printer.

Click “Manage” under the STIMA printer. Then click “Printer Properties” on the following screen.

Click on Preferences in the General Tab,. Then click Advanced, and select the Form you created in the previous steps, click OK and you’re ready to print!

Mac Instructions: Download & Install the Driver

CLICK HERE to download the ZIP file.

UnZip the file and open the folder.

There, you will find detailed instructions on how to install the printer in the MacOS_CUPS setup guide PDF. Necessary drivers are found in the STIMA CLS_CMP OEM file.

Please send us a chat if you have any questions!

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