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Record Paper Votes

The ballot entry wizard makes it easy to securely log paper votes.

Theo Patt avatar
Written by Theo Patt
Updated over 6 months ago

Use the ballot entry wizard to record votes cast on printed paper ballots.

NOTE: Mobile app votes are already recorded automatically.

Launch the ballot entry wizard

  1. Click Balloting from the lefthand menu on your Dashboard

  2. Click Record votes

  3. Choose an event

  4. Click Launch Ballot Entry

The ballot entry wizard is designed to make it easy to go through ballots as quickly as possible. Simply select the rating reflected on the paper ballot at the top of your pile, click Submit ballot, and repeat for each paper ballot!

A running count of both the number of ballots entered during a given counting session and the total number of ballots recorded for the event will show your progress.

Although ballots can be entered using your mouse, it is much faster to use the keyboard.

  • Use the number keys to enter each vote (1=A, 2=B, etc.).

  • For events with multiple films, enter votes in top-to-bottom, left-to-right order (i.e. enter all of column one, then all of column two).

  • Verify you have entered the votes correctly and then press the Enter key to submit the ballot.

  • Recommended: mark, tear, or throw away each paper ballot to ensure it is not accidentally entered again.

Track recorded ballots by event

To check how many ballots have been recorded per event:

  1. Click Balloting from the lefthand menu on your Dashboard

  2. Click Record votes

  3. Click Number of ballots recorded per event

This will show you a table that lists all events and the number of recorded ballots (both app + paper) for each event.

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