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Balloting FAQs

Frequently asked questions about Eventive Balloting.

Theo Patt avatar
Written by Theo Patt
Updated over 6 months ago

Below are a few frequently asked questions about Eventive Balloting. Please get in touch using the chat widget in the lower right corner if you have any questions not answered here!

Do I have to use Eventive ticketing to use Eventive Balloting?

No, Eventive Balloting is completely free and completely standalone. Although it's easy to use Balloting alongside other Eventive features, you're welcome to use Eventive Balloting on its own in conjunction with your legacy system.

It's easy to get started, and if you have any questions we're here to guide you every step of the way.

How are ballots generated?

Every Physical Event containing at least one balloted film generates a unique ballot.

Ballots for Virtual Screenings will appear below the Still Image window and only be accessible after an audience member clicks Watch Now on that screening.

Films can be excluded from balloting by setting their balloting status to "Not in competition" via each Film's edit page.

Physical Events with multiple films (e.g. shorts blocks) will generate a single ballot containing all films screening as part of the event. Virtual Screenings with multiple films will display ballots individually per film. Physical Events and Virtual Screenings with no balloted films (e.g. parties) will not generate ballots.

Can I use Eventive Balloting with my own custom ballots?

Yes! You can use your existing printed ballots and then use Eventive Balloting for recording votes (no more clunky shared spreadsheets!) and tabulating results

​Can I create balloting categories and multiple competitions?

​Yes! Since ballot tabulations can be sorted by the tag applied to the film, you can use tags to identify different balloting categories.

When using tags to create multiple categories or competitions, you can also create a unique introduction for each tag - this is a great way to inform audience members about the award and acknowledge competition sponsors.

​Can I run multiple tabulations and check how the voting is going prior to the close of my event?

​Yes, you can run tabulations more than once, and you can see a record of each tabulation via the Tabulate Results button. To avoid bias, preliminary results are never shown. After a tabulation is run, your user account, location, tabulation method & results, and the current date and time will be permanently logged.

Can an audience member change their ranking on a ballot after voting?

Yes! An audience member can change their ranking on a film's ballot any time until tabulation occurs and/or the voting period has closed.

How can I customize ballots for my virtual screenings?

You can customize elements of your virtual ballots in the Virtual tab of the Configurator. Below are all the customizations you can set up in the Configurator!

Balloting intro sentence: Shown in bold to all users on virtual screenings that have ballots enabled. The default text is "This virtual screening is eligible for audience awards!" but you can customize it.

Balloting unlock to vote: Shown after the intro to anyone (logged in or logged out) who has not yet unlocked the program. The default text is "Unlock it to cast your vote." but you can customize it.

Balloting watch to vote: Shown after the intro sentence for audience members who have unlocked the screening but not yet watched it. The default text is "Watch it and then cast your vote here." but you can customize it.

Balloting vote instruction: Text displayed on the ballot for audience members who have unlocked and watched the program. The default text is "[Film Title]: Cast your vote on this film for our audience awards." You cannot remove the Film Title from the ballot text, but you can customize "Cast your vote on this film for our audience awards."

Balloting film not eligible: Shown to audience members when viewing an unballoted film that is contained within a balloted program. The default text is "You're eligible to vote, but this particular film isn't balloted. Try selecting another film in the program." but you can customize it.

Balloting closed message: Shown to all audience members whenever online balloting is set to "closed" in Balloting --> Setup Ballots. The default text is "The voting period has closed. Stay tuned for the results!" but you can customize it.

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