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Configurator: Virtual Tab

Customize elements of your Eventive Virtual Catalog and Watch pages using the Virtual tab.

The Eventive Team avatar
Written by The Eventive Team
Updated over 6 months ago

The next tab to explore after clicking Launch Configurator from your event bucket settings page is the Virtual tab.

Configure your Eventive Virtual Catalog and Watch pages. This tab and its settings will only apply if your organization has activated Eventive Virtual.

Below you will find detailed descriptions of all the settings you can configure in the Virtual tab:

Virtual watch site name

The name of your virtual watch site. Displayed above the title on every virtual screening watch page.

Color theme

Choose a theme to customize the look-and-feel of your virtual watch site. You can choose between Default, Dark Blue, and White.

NOTE: You cannot change the background color of your Virtual Catalog or Watch pages beyond these 3 options.

When Default is selected:

When Dark Blue is selected:

When White is selected:

​Header Options

Header Graphic

Upload a graphic to use as the Virtual Catalog page header (highly recommended!)

Header logo alternate display

Select "Yes, show header graphic as a full-width banner" to make the image you uploaded under Header Graphic display as a full-width banner across your Virtual Catalog page.

Additional Analytics - Tracking IDs

Google Analytics tracking ID

Use your own Google Analytics account to track page views and purchase events on your virtual catalog. Enter your account ID in the "GA-4" format (for example, GA-4-12345-6) then edit your tracking and logging settings/scripts in your Google Analytics dashboard. Click here to read Google's resource on how to find your "GA-4" Tracking ID.

As of July 1, 2023 Google Analytics are converting from the current "UA" codes to "GA-4" codes. This means all current Google Analytics will cease to work on July 1 unless they are updated to "GA-4". CLICK HERE for information on switching over. You will need to set-up a new GA-4 property and then get the new measurement ID from that to replace the UA one.

Facebook Pixel tracking ID

If specified, automatically log page views and purchase events to your Facebook Pixel. Click here to read Facebook's resource on how to set up Facebook Pixel. Please note, you only need the Facebook Pixel ID (not the full code) to add Pixel tracking to your Virtual Watch Site.

"Back" button

"Back" button text

Shown in the upper righthand corner of the site, to take users back to your main site or any destination you specify.

If nothing is written here, the default text that will appear on your Virtual Catalog and Watch pages is "Back to Festival Site," but you can customize it to whatever you'd like!

"Back" button destination

Write a full URL (http://...) of where you want this button to take your audience. If nothing is written, the button will link to your Eventive site -

Virtual Catalog

Show catalog tab

By default, "Yes, show a tab for Catalog" is selected. Leaving this selected means a "Catalog" button will display in the top left corner of your Virtual Catalog and Watch pages.

Catalog tab title

You will see this option as long as "Yes, show a tab for Catalog" remains selected. You can rename the button to say something other than "Catalog" if you wish, such as "Virtual Catalog" or "Virtual Theater".

Lead text on catalog page

The default text is "Welcome to the [Your Event Bucket Name] Virtual Festival!" but you can customize it.

Body text on catalog page

The default text is "Explore our on-demand catalog here, and head over to the Live Streams tab to see what's coming up." but you can customize it.


Show livestreams tab

By default, "Yes, show a tab for Live Streams on my site" is selected. Leaving this selected means a "Live Streams" button will display in the top left corner of your Virtual Catalog and Watch pages.

Body text on livestreams page

You will see this option as long as "Yes, show a tab for Live Streams" remains selected. The default text is "Here's what's coming up soon. Can't make it? No sweat. Many live streams will be available for on-demand viewing as well." but you can customize it.

Show search tab

By default, "Yes, show a tab for Search on my site" is selected. Leaving this selected means a "Search" button will display in the top left corner of your Virtual Catalog and Watch pages.

Custom message to include in content creator upload invitation emails

Optional custom message to be displayed at the beginning of the upload invite email.

Donations at checkout

By default, "Yes, ask for donations at checkout" is selected. Leaving this selected will prompt the customer for an optional donation at checkout when unlocking a virtual ticket, regardless of whether you have "Accept donations on site" selected on your main Event Bucket settings page.

If "Yes, ask for donations at checkout" is selected:

Checkout donation request message

Displayed during the checkout process if "Yes, ask for donations at checkout" is selected. The default text is "Support [Event Bucket Name] and cover our streaming costs with an optional donation." but you can customize it.

Recommended donation levels

Inline donation levels to recommend at checkout (for virtual screening tickets only) if "Yes, ask for donations at checkout" is selected. To fit on the user's screen, we recommend no more than 3 options here. If you add more options, the user experience will be significantly degraded.

The default levels are $2, $5, and $10. Please note, you cannot remove the $0 or "Other" levels.

Customize pre-order text

Customize all the messaging used regarding pre-orders on your virtual watch site.

Click "Yes, customize it" to enable the customization of:

Pre-order button label

Shown when there are tickets available on a pre-orderable virtual screening. The default text is "Pre-order now" but you can customize it. If the ticket bucket price is $0, the button will say "Pre-order now for free" by default.

Pre-order sold out button label

Shown when there are no more tickets available for the current customer on a pre-orderable virtual screening. The default text is "Pre-orders sold out" but you can customize it.

Customize online balloting text

Customize all the messaging used regarding balloting on your virtual watch site.

Click "Yes, customize it" to enable the customization of:

Balloting intro sentence

Shown in bold to all users on virtual screenings that have ballots enabled. The default text is "This virtual screening is eligible for audience awards!" but you can customize it.

Balloting unlock to vote

Shown after the intro to anyone (logged in or logged out) who has not yet unlocked the program. The default text is "Unlock it to cast your vote." but you can customize it.

Balloting watch to vote

Shown after the intro sentence for audience members who have unlocked the screening but not yet watched it. The default text is "Watch it and then cast your vote here." but you can customize it.

Balloting vote instruction

Text displayed on the ballot for audience members who have unlocked and watched the program. The default text is "[Film Title]: Cast your vote on this film for our audience awards." You cannot remove the Film Title from the ballot text, but you can customize "Cast your vote on this film for our audience awards."

Balloting film not eligible

Shown to audience members when viewing an unballoted film that is contained within a balloted program. The default text is "You're eligible to vote, but this particular film isn't balloted. Try selecting another film in the program." but you can customize it.

Balloting closed message

Shown to all audience members whenever online balloting is set to "closed" in Balloting --> Setup Ballots. The default text is "The voting period has closed. Stay tuned for the results!" but you can customize it.

Mailing Customizations

Customize order confirmation emails

Add additional content to order confirmation emails for virtual unlocks and pre-orders.

Click "Yes, customize it" to enable the customization of:

Custom unlock email confirmation content

Added to all virtual screening unlock confirmation emails in addition to default system message. You cannot remove any default Eventive text in unlock email confirmations, but you can add additional text, images, and/or links here.

Any text you add here will be applied to ticket confirmations for ALL virtual events in your event bucket. To add custom text to order confirmation emails for a specific virtual screening, do so by selecting "Add custom message to confirmation email" in the virtual screening editor.

Custom pre-order email confirmation content

Added to all virtual screening pre-order confirmation emails in addition to default system message. You cannot remove any default Eventive text in pre-order email confirmations, but you can add additional text, images, and/or links here.

Show mailing list opt-in

Click "Yes, show mailing list opt-in" to enable the customization of:

Custom mailing list opt-in message

Shown at time of order for virtual screenings. The default text is "Yes, please add me to your mailing list." but you can customize it. The opt-in box is selected by default unless you select "Default mailing list opt-in to 'not-opted-in'".

Default mailing list opt-in to "not-opted-in"

Select this box in order to require users to manually opt-in to your mailing list on every order.

Livestream Moderation

Custom organization avatar in live chat

Upload an image here to show a graphic next to your organization's name in the live chat during livestreams.

Custom organization name in live chat

Customize the name shown in the live chat during livestreams. If nothing is added here, your Organization name is shown.

Native Site ​

Hide "Virtual Festival" tab from main event bucket site

By default, a button linking to your Virtual Catalog is included at the top of your Schedule and Film Guide pages.

When "Yes, hide it" is selected:

When "Yes, hide it" is not selected:

"Virtual Festival" tab label on main event bucket site

This option appears as long as "Yes, hide is" is not selected. Customize the text used on the button linking to your Virtual Catalog. The default text is "Virtual Festival," but you can customize it.

Standalone ticket sales disabled error

Customize the error message displayed when a non-passholder tries to unlock a virtual screening when standalone ticket sales are disabled (via Event Bucket Settings, or Virtual Screening settings). The default message is "Sorry, this screening is not currently available for standalone unlocks."

Footer Options

Optional catalog footer graphic

Upload a banner-style image to be displayed at the bottom of your Virtual Catalog page ( The image will be displayed full-width against your site background.

​Optional screening page footer graphic

Upload a banner-style image to be displayed at the bottom of each individual virtual screening page. The image will be displayed full-width against your site background. The image you upload here will be a footer graphic across all virtual screening watch pages. You cannot add a graphic to only display on certain virtual screening watch pages.

Up next: Misc tab!

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