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Configurator: Misc Tab

Customize email confirmation messages, upload a favicon, add tracking scripts, and more in the Misc tab.

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Written by The Eventive Team
Updated over 6 months ago

The final tab to explore after clicking Launch Configurator from your event bucket settings page is the Misc tab.

This tab includes miscellaneous options that don't quite belong on any of the other Configurator tabs.

Below you will find detailed descriptions of all the settings you can configure in the Misc tab:

Custom messaging for Confirmation Emails

Ticket order confirmation message

An additional message that appears in the order confirmation email when a customer buys one or more tickets to a physical event only. You cannot remove any default Eventive text in email confirmations, but you can add additional text, images, and/or links here. This is a great place to add contact information for your organization!

Any text you add here will be applied to ticket confirmations for ALL physical events in your event bucket. To add custom text to order confirmation emails for a specific physical event, do so by selecting "Add custom message to confirmation email" in the physical event editor.

NOTE: To add an additional message to virtual screening order confirmation emails, go to the Virtual tab and select "Yes, customize it" under "Customize order confirmation emails."

Pass order confirmation message

An additional message that appears in the order confirmation email when a customer buys one or more passes to either a physical or virtual event. You cannot remove any default Eventive text in email confirmations, but you can add additional text, images, and/or links here.

NOTE: If you select "Custom confirmation email message" in Pass Bucket --> Messages, the message you add there will override any custom message you add here in the Misc tab.

NOTE: This confirmation message will not appear on the pass confirmation emails for any passes that have been imported into Eventive using Bulk Import Passes.

Custom messaging for Printed Tickets

Content to append to tickets PDF

Displayed beneath each generated ticket to a physical event only. Useful for including supplementary info that applies to each ticket (e.g. a required arrival time), and also a great place to include sponsor logos! This PDF is attached to email confirmations for tickets to physical events.

Text to append to ticket stock tickets

Displayed at the bottom of each printed ticket. Useful for adding important messaging such as COVID protocol information directly onto printed tickets.

Favicon / app icon image

Image used both for site favicon (visible in address bar) and for app icons (when saved to home screen). If you do not upload anything, the default favicon image is the Eventive logo.

App name

Name to display underneath app icon when saved to a user's home screen. The default text is what you write under "Display Name" in the General tab.

Additional scripts

Additional scripts to inject into every page on your Eventive native site. When including JavaScript, ensure the code is wrapped in <script> tags. This is an advanced feature. Learn more about adding additional scripts.

NOTE: To add tracking scripts on your Virtual Catalog and Watch sites, use the Virtual tab in the Configurator.

Order completion scripts

Additional scripts to inject solely into the order confirmation page. Useful for conversion tracking and partner tracking systems. This is an advanced feature. Learn more about adding additional scripts.

NOTE: To add tracking scripts on your Virtual Catalog and Watch sites, use the Virtual tab in the Configurator.

"Box office only" message

Message displayed when customers attempt to buy tickets/passes but the event bucket is set to "Box Office Only" mode, and/or the event start time is within the online ticket sales cutoff. The default text is "All online sales are closed. Tickets are available at the festival box office." but you can customize it.

Currency display

Additional options relating to the display of currency amounts on the customer-facing site.

When "Hide country prefix from currencies" is selected, your event in Canadian dollars, for example, would display ticket/pass prices as $X instead of C$X.

Custom email footer image

Optional image to include in the footer of all emails sent via Eventive.

Custom statement descriptor

By default, your organization name is shown on customer credit card statements. Use this option to change the description text (note: typically truncated by card issuer to 22 characters). This is especially important if you operate multiple branded festivals or events and your organization name may be unfamiliar to the audience.

Custom reply-to email address

By default, replies to Eventive system emails are sent directly to the Eventive team ( You can redirect audience emails to an email address of your choice instead by writing a different email address here. Text you enter in this space must be an email address.

WARNING: Adding a custom reply-to email address will prevent us from directly offering some support features, like automated password resets. You will need to handle these inquiries yourself instead.

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