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Configurator: Passes Tab

Sell passes and customize other pass-related pages in the Passes tab in the Configurator.

The Eventive Team avatar
Written by The Eventive Team
Updated over 6 months ago

The next tab to explore after clicking Launch Configurator from your event bucket settings page is the Passes tab.

You must first create pass buckets before you can configure their display here.

Below you will find detailed descriptions of all the settings you can configure in the Passes tab:

Pass sales page sections

Add sections to the pass sales page -- [yourfestival] You can create multiple sections based on types of passes you're selling.

NOTE: Section #1 is there by default, but you can add additional sections by scrolling down and clicking the "Add Another Section" button.

For example, when the Section Title is "Passes," and Fun Film Pass and Fun Times Pass are listed in the Passes to Display box:

Scroll down and click the ADD ANOTHER SECTION button to make additional sections, such as "Memberships" or "VIP Passes."

Section introduction

Custom content to include above the displayed pass buckets.

Section footer: Custom content to include beneath the section.

Highlight section introduction + Highlight section footer

When "Highlight with yellow background" is selected --

Pass details

Details about passes for the table.

Title + Description

​Buy button label

Label for the buy button. Leave this as Buy ({{price}}) to display the price you set on the Pass Bucket settings page.

By default, pass buckets have a single price assigned to them. You may wish to offer discounts for buying multiple passes at once, which you can do using quantity price breaks. Learn more here.

Default quantity

Default order quantity upon clicking buy. The default is 1.

Align all Buy buttons at bottom

Buttons appear by default immediately beneath the text in each column. Enable this to align all buttons in a row with each other instead.

When "Yes, align buttons at bottom" is selected:

When "Yes, align buttons at bottom" is not selected:

"My Passes" description

The message to display at the beginning of the "My Passes" page, if the user owns a pass.

NOTE: The default language refers to using the schedule and printing PDFs, which is relevant only for physical events. Please modify this language for your virtual festival.

For example: These are all the passes tied to your account. Now, read through our Film Guide or go to[yourfestival] to unlock virtual tickets! You can access all the tickets you've unlocked via My Tickets.

"No passes" description

Message shown on "My Passes" page if the user has no passes in their account.

"My passes" footer

Footer content that appears beneath the customer's list of passes in their account.

Pass order success message

Message shown to customers after purchasing one or more passes. This window appears after a customer enters a name for the pass in the first window that appears after they complete the order.

NOTE: The default language refers to using the schedule, which is relevant only for physical events. Please modify this language for your virtual festival.

Pass not applicable error message

Message shown in the Order Tickets dropdown from the Schedule or Film Guide for an event for logged-in customers who own passes that do not apply to the event.

Up next: Pages tab!

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