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Configurator: General Tab

Use the General tab in the Configurator to control the design of your Eventive native site.

The Eventive Team avatar
Written by The Eventive Team
Updated over 6 months ago

When you click Launch Configurator from your event bucket settings page, you will be taken to the General tab.

Use this tab to control general settings for your event bucket.

Below you will find detailed descriptions of all the settings you can configure in the General tab:

Banner image

Banner image displayed at the top of the site, in email headers, on ticket PDFs, and more. Read our Help Article about image specs here.

Event Bucket Name

Display name

Event bucket title displayed on site.

Display short name

Title displayed in areas with limited space (e.g. navigation bar).

Logo image

Optional logo image displayed in the upper lefthand corner of the site. Recommended: white with transparent background.

Terms for Schedule, Pass & Film Guide

Term to use for "schedule": For when a schedule isn't a schedule (e.g. "agenda").

Term to use for "pass": For when a pass isn't a pass (e.g. "badge").

Term to use for "film guide": For when a film guide isn't a film guide (e.g. "program").

Changes made to the terms above will be reflected across the Eventive platform, including on your site's left side Menu (example. "schedule" has been replaced by "Fun Schedule"):

on buttons:

and more.

Colors Scheme

Primary color

Most large colored regions on the site.

Accent color

Smaller color "accents", like buttons.

Invert colors

If you have light primary/secondary colors, inverting the text color may improve legibility.

Not inverted:


Light primary color mode

If your primary color is white (or white-ish), enable this color mode to ensure nothing disappears in the interface (due to being too light to see).



Extended event/film URLs

Include event/film name in URLs.

Extended URL enabled:

Extended URL disabled:

Up next: Welcome tab!

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