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Configurator: Welcome Tab

Customize the style and layout of your Eventive Welcome page.

The Eventive Team avatar
Written by The Eventive Team
Updated over 6 months ago

The next tab to explore after clicking Launch Configurator from your event bucket settings page is the Welcome tab.

The settings you configure here will be reflected on your Welcome page, which is the first page that visitors see when they go to your Eventive native site.

Below you will find detailed descriptions of all the settings you can configure in the Welcome tab:

Include welcome page

Include a welcome page as the default page on the site. If you disable this option, none of the rest of the options on this page apply and visits to your root URL will instead go directly to the schedule.

Show full-width splash banner on welcome page

Enabling this will make your uploaded banner graphic as wide as the webpage.

When "Yes, show it" is selected:

You'll also have the option to select "Also show on pass sales page" and/or "Show on ALL pages."

Show page buttons

Show easy-access buttons for pages on the site at the top of the page.

When "Yes, show them" is selected:

Show schedule button

Click this to easily create a "Schedule" button to link to your festival schedule.

Schedule button label

Label displayed on the Schedule button.

Show film guide button

Click this to easily create a "Film Guide" button.

Other buttons

Create custom buttons with custom labels and URL destinations.

NOTE: To link buttons to pages within your Eventive site, you only need to write the back half of the URL - ie. for, you only need to write donate in the URL destination. To link buttons to sites outside Eventive, write the entire URL, ie.

Intro content

Custom intro content displayed at the top of the welcome page.

"Ways to See"​

Include a "Ways to See" table

Show a table which you can customize to explain different ways to attend your event.

Customize the Ways to See table by creating a Table Header (ie. "2 Ways to See the Festival"), Item Descriptions (ie. columns, such as "Fun Film Pass" and "Single Tickets"), Action Buttons (ie. "Learn More & Buy" and "Browse the Schedule").

You can add multiple rows and columns to the Ways to See table.

"Ways to See" footer

Footer text that appears beneath the table.

Custom content

Custom content to append to the welcome page, such as a footer graphic.

NOTE: On nearly every tab located within your Configurator, you can click "Switch to raw editor" above a content block and embed videos, photos, and other content. This requires a working knowledge of HTML.

Up next: Schedule tab!

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