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Create Item Buckets
Create Item Buckets

Use Item Buckets to sell items such as merchandise and concessions at the Box Office.

Theo Patt avatar
Written by Theo Patt
Updated over 6 months ago

Whether your organization is selling t-shirts, popcorn, posters, coffee mugs, or monogrammed earmuffs, Eventive has the tools to help you sell items via your Box Office.

Create Item Buckets to sell items other than tickets and passes! Please note that Item Buckets can only be sold via your Eventive Box Office and not directly from your Eventive Native site at this time.

Create an Item Bucket

  1. Select your event bucket from the admin dashboard menu

  2. Click Item Buckets

  3. Click Create New Item Bucket

  4. Name your Item Bucket something recognizable, such as T-Shirt, Soda, etc.

  5. Create one or more variants, if applicable (see below)

  6. Click Save and you're ready to start selling this Item via your Box Office!

Item Bucket Variants

Variants are how Eventive represents different types of an Item Bucket. To create a variant, simply click the Add Another Variant button. For example, you may wish to create a single T-shirt Item Bucket with Small, Medium, and Large variants. Variants can be the same or different prices.

Every new Item Bucket has a single default variant. If you do not wish to create any additional variants, simply specify an item price and click Save Changes.

Sell Items

Once you've created an Item Bucket, you can sell items via the Eventive Box Office. Just click the "+ ITEM" button while creating a box office order and add your desired item to the order!

Please note that Item Buckets can only be sold via your Eventive Box Office and not directly from your Eventive Native site at this time.

Looking for a way to allow your customers to buy items directly from your Native site? Check out our Create an Online Shop help article.

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