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Virtual Screening Display Ads

Add images to your virtual screening watch pages using Display Ads.

Erne M avatar
Written by Erne M
Updated over 6 months ago

Add a hyperlinked image or multiple images to the lower right corner of a virtual screening watch page using Display Ads!

Display ads are mighty useful for showcasing whatever you can dream up on the virtual screening page. We've seen it used to great effect to thank sponsors, sell merchandise, promote ads for other programs, link to post-festival surveys, and more!

Display ads can be either still images or GIFs. Recommended specs: at least 600px wide; wide or square aspect ratio.

Add Display Ads to your virtual watch page

1. Select Virtual Screenings in the left hand menu to bring up your list of screenings.

2. Select the screening that you would like edit by clicking "Edit."

3. Scroll down until you see "Show custom display ad(s) on the screening page" and check the box to open the upload area.

4. Upload an image and add a URL if you want the image to hyperlink to a destination.

5. To upload another display ad graphic, simply click the "Add another display ad" button.

6. Click the up/down arrows to re-order your graphics if needed. The graphics will display vertically, in the order you see here.

If you need to remove or re-upload a graphic, just click "Remove"

7. Click Save Changes, then click View Live to see the update on your virtual watch page!

​NOTE: If you duplicate a screening, any images you have added as Virtual Display Ads will be duplicated to the new screening.

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