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Bulk Import Virtual Screenings
Bulk Import Virtual Screenings

Quickly import virtual screenings into Eventive via a spreadsheet.

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Written by The Eventive Team
Updated this week

In addition to creating virtual screenings one-by-one via the Dashboard, you can also bulk create virtual screenings using the Bulk Import template.

Looking to bulk import physical events? Click here for instructions.

Bulk import virtual screenings

1. Select your event bucket, click "Virtual Screenings" in the left hand navigation, and then click "Bulk import screenings"

2. Click "Download template" to download a template spreadsheet that has the format to match when preparing screenings for import. Do NOT skip this step or use your own template!

3. Fill in the spreadsheet with your event details, using a new row for each virtual screening, ensuring you do NOT modify the header row/column titles in any way.

Aside from Name, Films, and Availability Start and End, no other column is mandatory. Do NOT delete columns -- rather, just leave any irrelevant columns blank.

4. Once you've completed and saved the template, click the space that says "Drop spreadsheet here, or click to select," and select the completed spreadsheet from your desktop. The uploaded template file must be .XLSX

5. Click "Preview import"

6. Inspect the preview to ensure that all screenings were processed correctly. If anything looks wrong, go back, edit the spreadsheet, re-upload it, and preview it again.

7. Once you're satisfied, check the "Yes, I'm ready to import screenings" box, then click "Start import"

8. Once imported, you will see your list of bulk imported virtual screenings in the Virtual Screenings section of your event bucket!

How to Complete the Bulk Import Screenings Template

There are a number of columns in the spreadsheet. Aside from Name, Films, and Availability Start and End, no other column is mandatory.

  • Name: Name of the virtual screening.

  • Films: A comma-separated list of films that are screening as part of the virtual screening. Leave empty if this is not a film screening. Titles must match exactly. If the title contains commas, you will need to surround the film title in quotation marks.

    In this example, the title "Are you there God? It's Me, Margaret." is wrapped in quotation marks. Without the quotation marks, the system would interpret 'Are You There God? It's Me' as one film and 'Margaret.' as another film. To add another film to this double feature, a comma is used after the closing quotation mark before the second film title is added. The second film, Mary and Max, doesn't require quotation marks. You can edit the titles after importing them if needed.

  • Availability start: Start date and time of the virtual screening’s availability window, in the format "M/D/YYYY HH:MM", e.g. "7/5/2018 9:00" for 9 AM or "7/5/2018 15:00" for 3 PM. Note: A common error is writing "3:00pm" instead of "15:00." You must use twenty-four hour time.

  • Availability end: End date and time of the virtual screening’s availability window, in the same format, e.g. 19:00.

  • Tags: Comma-separated list of tags to add to the virtual screening. If you use a tag that does not already exist in Eventive, it will automatically be created.

  • Ticket bucket name: Name for the screening’s ticket bucket.

  • Ticket bucket quantity: Quantity of tickets to make available. If left blank, there will be no ticket limit for the virtual screening.

  • Ticket bucket price: Price for the ticket bucket, in the format $X.XX, e.g. $13.00.
    Note: You can add additional ticket buckets on the screening's edit page or via bulk import by duplicating the 3 ticket bucket columns (Name [needs to be different from the first ticket bucket name], Quantity, Price) on the bulk import spreadsheet.

  • Description: Description shown on virtual screening page. This field is optional. If nothing is added here, the film's description will generate for this screening's description.

  • Short description: Short description used for list view, social sharing, etc. This field is optional. If nothing is added here, the film's short description will generate for this screening's short description.

  • Trailer URL: Link to a YouTube or Vimeo video, which will embed as a virtual screening trailer.

  • URL to display ad image (JPEG/PNG): Link to an image file if you would like to include a custom display ad on the virtual screening page.

  • Display ad link: If you would like to make the display ad image link to another website, include the link here. Remember to include https://

Troubleshooting tips

  • Have you made sure the header rows (column titles) are not modified from the original template?

  • Have you made sure your spreadsheet does not contain any empty rows / blank lines?

  • Have you uploaded an .XLSX file?

NOTE: If you have made an error with your bulk import and need to delete one or more screenings, you will need to delete the screening(s) manually. To delete a virtual screening manually go to the virtual screening settings page and click the trash can icon in the top right corner of the screen. If you are considering deleting a virtual screening, please be certain that this is what you want to do before you proceed. Accidental deletions can be restored withing 14 days, but restoring a deleted virtual screening is subject to a fee.

Having trouble?

If you're having any issues -- formatting the spreadsheet, getting data to appear properly, etc. -- please send us a message!

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