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Bulk Import and Clone Films
Bulk Import and Clone Films

Use Bulk Import Films to add film metadata at once. Use Clone Films to import film metadata and virtual content from another event bucket.

Theo Patt avatar
Written by Theo Patt
Updated this week

In addition to creating films one-by-one via the Dashboard, you can bulk create films using the Bulk Import feature or copy over films from another event bucket with Clone Films.

NOTE: Bulk importing films does not refer to uploading film files for a virtual event. Bulk importing films only applies to importing metadata such as film title, credits, runtime, language, etc.

How to Bulk Import Films

1. Select your event bucket, click Films in the lefthand navigation, and then click Bulk import films.

2. Click Download template to download the Eventive bulk import spreadsheet. Do not use your own spreadsheet!

3. Fill in the spreadsheet with your film details, using a new row for each film, ensuring you do not modify the header row in any way.

4. Once you've filled out and saved the spreadsheet, go back to the Bulk Import page, click the space labeled Drop spreadsheet here, or click to select, select the completed spreadsheet, then click Preview import.

5. Inspect the preview to ensure that all films were uploaded correctly. If anything looks wrong, click Edit settings, make your changes to the spreadsheet, re-upload it, and then click Preview Import again.

6. Once you're satisfied, check the box to affirm that you're ready to import the events and then click Start Import.

Bulk Import Films Spreadsheet Format Guide

There are a number of columns in the spreadsheet. Aside from Title, no other column is mandatory. Leave any inapplicable columns blank. Do not delete, edit, or add any columns, or your import will not work!

  • Title: Title of the film.

  • Tags: Comma-separated list of tags to add to the film. If you include a tag that does not already exist on your Tags page, it will automatically be created.

  • Description: Film synopsis or description, shown on the film information page.

  • Short description: A short description / logline, shown in the film guide, virtual catalog (if applicable) and Discovery Portal (if applicable). Optional: if not specified, we'll use the beginning of the longer Film Description.

  • Trailer URL: Add a YouTube or Vimeo link to embed a film trailer. The video must have embedding turned on, and cannot be password-protected.

  • Poster image URL: Add a URL to a JPEG or PNG vertical image. Recommended: 2:3 aspect ratio. Read our bulk import image tips.

  • Cover image URL: Add a URL to a JPEG or PNG horizontal image. Recommended: 960 x 380 px. Read our bulk import image tips.

  • Still image URL: Add a URL to an additional horizontal image here if you're using Eventive Virtual, displayed on the film's virtual watch page. Recommended: 1920 x 1080 px. Read our bulk import image tips.

  • Details: Information including Year, Runtime, Language(s), Country, Premiere, and Rating, displayed on the film page. If any columns are irrelevant, simply leave them blank.

  • Credits: Add cast and crew credits to be displayed on the film page, including Director, Screenwriter, Producer, Executive Producer, Cinematographer, Editor, and more. Easily add multiple people per credit line with a comma-separated list. If any columns are irrelevant, simply leave them blank.

Edit Films in Bulk

You can bulk edit your film records by running another bulk film import with exactly matching film titles.

When using the bulk import template to edit a film, you only need to fill in the film title and the fields that you would like to edit. Fields you do not wish to edit can be left blank.

To edit films using the bulk import template, you only need to include the film(s) you want to edit. If there are films that you previously imported using the bulk import template that do not need to be edited, you can omit those films from the template that you are using to edit.

Example 1 - Adding tags to a large group of films: Fill in the Title column (filled out with the film titles exactly as written as the films in your event bucket), and the Tags column. All other fields can remain blank.

Example 2 - Editing 3 out of 10 films in a program: Fill in the title column for the 3 films you would like to edit, the 7 other films don't need to be added to the template. For each of the 3 films, fill in only the fields that you would like to edit, leave the rest blank. If you wanted to edit tags for one film, the description for another and the trailer for the third, that is fine - edit only what you need.

NOTE: Bulk editing films will only edit films, it cannot be used to delete films. To delete a film record manually go to the film settings page and click the trash can icon in the top right corner of the screen. If you are considering deleting a film record, please be certain that this is what you want to do before you proceed. Accidental deletions can be restored withing 14 days, but restoring a deleted film record is subject to a fee.

NOTE: The bulk import template can't be used to delete information from a field in the film record. If you need to entirely remove text from one or more fields on a film record you will need to do so manually from the film settings page.

Troubleshooting tips

  • Have you made sure the header rows are not modified from the original template?

  • Have you made sure your spreadsheet does not contain any empty rows / blank lines?

  • If your film titles, description or other text contains special characters please be sure not to change the file extension when saving the file. The template needs to be a .xlsx file to maintain the characters.

  • Need more help? Send us a message - and include the spreadsheet as an attachment - and we'll be happy to help!

Clone Films from Other Event Buckets

Organizers can now easily clone films from one event bucket to another. The metadata, images, and virtual content will all be imported from the source event bucket into the target event bucket.

To clone films, navigate to the Films section in your new Event Bucket, click Import Films, then select "Clone from Another Event Bucket." You can choose specific films to clone or select all films in the source event bucket with one click.


When cloning films with virtual content, please ensure you have permission from the filmmaker or distributor to screen the film in your new event bucket.

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