Use Mailings to send targeted messages to your audience members!
Create a Mailing
Navigate to your event bucket in the dashboard
Click "Mailings" in the lefthand navigation
Click "Create new mailing"
Enter a subject line for your mailing. Remember, this is the first thing customers will see -- keep it clear and non-spammy.
Targeting your Audience
Select your audience by targeting across four different collections:
Pass buckets
targeting a pass bucket will send the mailing to all passholders within a certain pass bucket
targeting an event will send the mailing to all ticket holders to the targeted Physical Event or Virtual Screening
targeting a tag will send a mailing to:
ticketholders who have tickets to Physical Events or Virtual Screenings that are tagged with the targeted tag
passholders related to a Pass Bucket that is tagged with the targeted tag
targeting a discount will send a message to any customer who has redeemed the targeted tag.
NOTE: currently you can only target mailings by Pass Bucket, Events, Tags and Discounts. You cannot target mailings by supplementary data fields and you cannot target mailings by the scanned or unscanned status of a ticket.
You can select multiple items from each collection, and you can combine these selectors by selecting items from multiple collections.
In other words, if you select a pass bucket, event name, and discount code, the targeted audience would be: "VIP Pass" passholders who attended "Cool Event" and used the "Awesome Discount" code.
The "Selected audience" text will update as you add selections, making it very clear exactly who will receive the mailing.
Next, if you didn't target a pass bucket, choose whether you want the mailing to go to ALL targeted attendees (standalone ticket holders and passholders), or to standalone ticket holders only (no passholders).
Once you select an audience, click Save Changes to preview your list of recipients.
Mailing Type
Choose between the two options:
Transactional: for essential updates, instructions, and event changes. Sent to all targeted recipients, even ones who have unsubscribed from Eventive emails.
Promotional: for non-essential messages. Only sent to targeted recipients who have not unsubscribed from Eventive emails.
Compose your message!
There are two ways to preview your mailing before it is sent out.
After drafting and saving your mailing, you can preview the mailing directly in the dashboard by clicking the link that says "Preview mailing here".
Alternately, you can enter an email address that you would like to send a test email to and click "Send test email".
You can preview your mailing as many times as you like before sending the mailing.
Check Recipient List & Send
After you save changes, you'll see the message "Ready to send to # participants." Check your recipient's list by clicking "Show list". You can download this list as a .CSV file if you'd like to export the list of email addresses into another mailing system, for example.
When you're ready, click Send mailing, and it will reach your customer's inboxes within minutes!
Please note that scheduling a mailing to be sent at a specific time in the future is not currently an option.