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Create Exclusive Ordering Windows for Passholders
Create Exclusive Ordering Windows for Passholders

Sell tickets and passes using methods such as pre-sale windows and staggered sale dates.

The Eventive Team avatar
Written by The Eventive Team
Updated over a week ago

You may be looking to make ticket and/or pass sales available at different times.

Here are a few common scenarios and how to implement them.

To allow only passholders to reserve tickets before standalone tickets are on sale:

1. If your Event Bucket Mode is set to Default, temporarily change it to Pass Only

2. Make sure "Allow Passholders to Order Tickets Online" is checked


As long as your pass rules have been set up correctly for all your pass buckets, your event will now only allow passholders to reserve tickets!

Read our Help Article about Pass Bucket Troubleshooting and watch our Guide to Understanding Pass Rules video!

To end this pass-only pre-sale window, enable standalone ticket purchases by changing your Event Bucket Mode back to DEFAULT

and make sure that "Standalone Tickets on Sale to Public" is selected.

NOTE: You must do this manually, you cannot schedule a time to release standalone tickets on sale.

To allow only certain passholders to reserve tickets before standalone tickets are on sale:

1. If your Event Bucket Mode is set to Default, temporarily change it to Pass Only

2. Make sure "Allow Passholders to Order Tickets Online" is checked


3. Navigate to the general settings page for the pass(es) that you don't want enabled during this pre-sale window

5. Make sure the box next to "Enable ticket orders" is unchecked


As long as your pass rules have been set up correctly, your event will now only allow passholders from pass buckets that have "Enable ticket orders" selected to reserve tickets! Read our Help Article about Pass Bucket Troubleshooting if you have any questions.

To end this pass-only pre-sale window, change your Event Bucket Mode back to DEFAULT, make sure that "Standalone Tickets on Sale to Public" is selected, and check "Enable ticket orders" on all pass buckets you had disabled.

NOTE: You must do this manually, you cannot schedule a time to release and enable ticket orders.

To launch pass sales before passholder and standalone tickets are on sale:

1. If your Event Bucket Mode is set to Default, temporarily change it to Pass Only

2. Make sure "Allow Passholders to Order Tickets Online" is unchecked


3. Make sure your passes are visible for sale in Configurator --> Passes --> Passes to Display!

Now your event will now only allow pass sales, and not passholder ticket reservations or standalone ticket sales.

To end this pass-only sale window, change your Event Bucket Mode back to DEFAULT, make sure that "Standalone Tickets on Sale to Public" is selected, and select "Allow passholders to order tickets online" on your Event Bucket settings page.

NOTE: You must do this manually, you cannot schedule a time to release and enable ticket orders.

To launch passholder ticket reservations before passes and standalone tickets are on sale:

Allowing passholder ticket reservations but not the sale of passes is commonly seen when organizations have year-round membership programs and want only pre-existing members/passholders to have access to ticket reservations.

1. If your Event Bucket Mode is set to Default, temporarily change it to Pass Only

2. Make sure "Allow Passholders to Order Tickets Online" is checked


3. To hide pass(es) from your Buy Passes page, navigate to Configurator --> Passes, and remove any pass(es) you wish to hide from the Passes to Display box.

Now your event will now only allow passholder ticket reservations, and not pass sales or standalone ticket sales.

To end this pre-sale window, change your Event Bucket Mode back to DEFAULT, make sure that "Standalone Tickets on Sale to Public" is selected, and add Passes back to your Passes Display box in the Configurator.

NOTE: You must do this manually, you cannot schedule a time to enable ticket orders and pass sales.

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