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Scheduled Ledger Reports

Regularly share ledger reports with internal and external teammates to keep them up to date with your most accurate and vital information.

Kimberley Busato avatar
Written by Kimberley Busato
Updated over 2 months ago

What is a Ledger Based Report?

Ledger based reports are the most accurate record of any financial transaction that happens in Eventive. Ledger reports break out every financial activity that happens in your Eventive Dashboard into its constituent parts so that the flow of funds, fees and products can be understood in detail in a way that respects matching principle. A ledger entry is logged at the time of a transaction and stands as a permanent record of that particular activity and how it happened in time. A ledger entry is unchangeable and is never recalculated. Any adjustment to a transaction (ie. exchange, or a full, or partial refund) is captured as another ledger entry along with the date and time of that adjustment.

Scheduled ledger reports

Scheduled Ledger Reports are located in the Global Reports Section of your Eventive Dashboard. They can be found by clicking Global Reports followed by Ledger Beta Reports > Scheduled ledger reports > schedule reports on the next screen.

Scheduled Ledger Reports are a beta feature. This means that they may be subject to change with further development and that new reporting options may be added to the report generator in the not so distant future.

To begin creating scheduled ledger reports, click “Create new scheduled report

5 Types of Scheduled Reports

There are 5 different types of reports that can be scheduled:

  • Box Office Report by Film

  • Ledger Transaction Report

  • Recurring Pass Renewal Report

  • Expired Pass Report

  • New Subscription Report

Box Office Report by Film

For configuration instructions, please see the Box Office Report section of our article on Custom Ledger Reports.

Ledger Transaction Report

For configuration instructions, please see the Ledger Transaction Report section in our article on Custom Ledger Reports. This article contains configuration suggestions for Donation Reports, Merchandise or Concessions Sales Reports, Refund Reports, Tax Reports and Gift Card Reports.

Recurring Pass Renewal Report

To configure a Recurring Pass Renewal Report, select the report type “Recurring Pass Renewal Report” and specify the desired event bucket.

Once you have set the Report Type and Event Bucket, you’ll have the option to see recurring passes renewing or expiring in the next “X” amount of days - the time intervals for this setting are 14 days, 30 days, 60 days or 90 days.

Finally you will schedule the delivery for this report.

When delivered, this report will contain the name, email address, phone number, mailing address, pass bucket, card on file, renewal date and autorenewal status (yes or no) for each pass renewing or expiring during that reporting period. Phone number and mailing address will only be populated if they are included in the customer’s account details.

Expired Pass Report

To configure an Expired Pass Report, select the report type “Expired Pass Report” and specify the desired event bucket.

Once you have set the Report Type and Event Bucket, you’ll have the option to see recurring passes expired in the past “X” amount of days - the time intervals for this setting are 90 days, 1 year, 2 years and 3 years.

Finally you will schedule the delivery for this report.

When delivered, this report will contain the name, email address, phone number, mailing address, pass bucket, and expiry date for each pass which expired during that reporting period. Phone number and mailing address will only be populated if they are included in the customer’s account details.

New Subscription Report

To configure a New Subscription Report, select the report type “New Subscription Report” and specify the desired event bucket.

Once you have set the Report Type and Event Bucket, you’ll have the option to see recurring passes expired in the past “X” amount of days - the time intervals for this setting are daily, weekdays (M-F), weekly, and monthly.

Finally you will schedule the delivery for this report.

When delivered, this report will contain the name, email address, phone number, mailing address, pass bucket, card on file, and autorenew status for each new subscription during that reporting period. Phone number and mailing address will only be populated if they are included in the customer’s account details.

Scheduling reports

Once you have configured the type or report that you would like to generate, you will need to add your recipient emails then set the report frequency and the delivery time.

There is no limit to how many emails can be added to the recipient list for a scheduled report. Recipients can be either internal or external to your organization - recipients don’t need to have an Eventive dashboard account to receive reports via email. When adding recipient emails to the report, be sure to separate each email address by a comma.

The report frequency determines how often the report will be generated and delivered. Frequency options include; daily, weekly (Monday - Friday), weekly, and monthly.

The delivery time will set what time on the delivery day that the report will be distributed via email. The time zone for the delivery time will match the time zone on the event bucket that you are scheduling the report for.

Once the report is scheduled, it will show in the list of scheduled reports in your dashboard.

Adding more emails to the recipient list

If you need to add recipients to the distribution list for the report or edit any other part of the report configuration, you can click “Edit” in the actions column to open the report scheduler.

Suspending report distribution

If you would like to suspend the distribution of a scheduled report, you can click “Pause” in the actions column of the reports list. You can keep a scheduled report paused indefinitely if you need to, there is no limit to the amount of time that a report can stay on pause.

If you have no further use for a scheduled report, you can delete the report. When deleting a scheduled report, please be absolutely certain that you want to delete it. If you have any doubt as to whether you want to delete a report or not, it is preferable to Pause the report delivery.

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