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Custom Ledger Reports

See & understand your financial activity with the most accurate reports Eventive has to offer.

Kimberley Busato avatar
Written by Kimberley Busato
Updated over 2 months ago

What is a Ledger Based Report?

Ledger based reports are the most accurate record of any financial transaction that happens in Eventive. Ledger reports break out every financial activity that happens in your Eventive Dashboard into it’s constituent parts so that the flow of funds, fees and products can be understood in detail in a way that respects matching principle. A ledger entry is logged at the time of a transaction and stands as a permanent record of that particular activity and how it happened in time. A ledger entry is unchangeable and is never recalculated. Any adjustment to a transaction (ie. exchange, or a full, or partial refund) is captured as another ledger entry along with the date and time of that adjustment.

Custom Ledger Reports

Custom Ledger Reports are located in the Global Reports Section of your Eventive Dashboard. They can be found by clicking Global Reports followed by Ledger Beta Reports > Custom ledger report > build report on the next screen.

Custom Ledger Reports are a beta feature. This means that they may be subject to change with further development and that new reporting options may be added to the report generator in the not so distant future.

Custom Ledger Reports can currently be used to generate Box Office Reports by Film and Ledger Transaction Reports.

Box Office Reports by Film

To generate a Box Office Report by film, start by selecting the event bucket that the film is in, then select the film(s) that you would like to add to the box office report.

You can then choose how you would like the data to be grouped. You can group the information by cinema week (Friday through Thursday) or by a standard week (Sunday through Saturday).

Finally, you will configure the date range for the report. If you would like to see all sales data for the selected film(s), leave the date range set as “ALL TIME”. If you would like to narrow the focus of the report, you can filter the information to further customize the report.

When you finally run the report, you will be presented with a table that shows sales, refunds, admits, gross total, fee total, tax total and net total for each screening of the film as well as an aggregated total at the bottom of the report. The following shows a custom box office report showing only one film.

If you need to modify the parameters you used to run the report, you can click the “Modify settings” button to return to the previous screen to adjust the report configuration before running the report again.

If you like the report that you see and you would like to download it for your records or for distribution, the report can be downloaded as either a .csv or .pdf using the download buttons at the bottom of the screen.

Ledger Transaction Reports

Ledger Transactions can be handy for reconciliation and financial troubleshooting. They have a few more points of configuration than box office reports and can be used to generate a number of different types of reports.

To generate a Ledger Transaction Report, begin by selecting the Event Bucket(s) you would like to generate a report for.

The next point of configuration is the Grouping. There are 5 possible groupings.

With ‘Weekly > Category’ and ‘Monthly > Category’ groupings, the data is first grouped by the date range, before being displayed in categories of passes, events, screenings, and items. Below is an example of a custom ledger using the Weekly > Category Grouping.

With the ‘Category > Weekly’ and ‘Category > Monthly’ groupings, information will first be sorted by categories of passes, events, screenings and items before the tallies are listed by date.

Using Time and Category Groupings can be useful for keeping an eye on week over week (WoW) and month over month (MoM) sales progress. Comparing WoW and MoM sales figures to your marketing activities can help you evaluate the success of your marketing efforts.

When “No Grouping” is selected, all passes, tickets, and items are listed chronologically according to the time of sale.

Suggested settings for popular Ledger Transaction Reports

The following are suggested settings only, these configurations can be modified to meet your needs. The following reports don’t represent the full complement of reports that can be created using the custom Ledger Transaction Report tool.

Donation Report

If you would like to generate a report to show the value of all donations in a particular event bucket, consider using the following settings:

  • Report Type = Ledger Transaction Report

  • Event Bucket = Select the Event Bucket or Buckets that you would like to generate a report for

  • Grouping = No Grouping

  • Select “Include purchaser name and email columns”

  • There is no need to filter by Transaction Type

  • Filter by Transaction Class = Item

  • Date Range = All Time

Once you’ve run this report, it will show you more than what you are looking for. Filtering the transaction class by item will leave you with Donations, Box Office Service Fees and any other item buckets that you have created in your Eventive Dashboard. You will need to download the report as a .csv using the download button at the bottom of the report and open the .csv in the spreadsheet program of your choice.

Once you have opened the report .csv in the spreadsheet program of your choice, filter Column B (Category) to show donations only. For further calculations and data manipulation, you may want to copy only the donations into a sheet of their own.

Once filtered to show donations only, this configuration will give you a report that includes the:

  • Date of the donation

  • Transaction Type (Payment, or Refund) & Class (Item)

  • Transaction Category (Donation)

  • Account Type (where the payment, or refund is going to / coming from)

  • The change in Gross, Fee & Net as a result of the payment, or refund

  • Customer name & email (in case you want to look the customer or order up in your Eventive dashboard for further context)

This report can be further refined by filtering by single event or by specifying a particular date range.

If you need to share this report externally and do not want to share the customer details, you may choose not to include the customer name and email columns.

What is the difference between a Donation Report generated using the custom Ledger Transaction Report Tool and the Donations grouped by associated event report that is available under Global Reports > Financials?

The donation report that you are generating by using the Ledger Transaction Report includes standalone donations and donations made on pass sales as well as donations made with ticket purchases. In the Ledger Transaction Report are only the fees associated with the donation and include no portion of the fees related to the sale of passes or tickets.

Merchandise or Concessions Sales Report

You can generate a report to show you your Merchandise or Concessions sales by running the same report detailed above for donations. Once you have run and exported .csv the report which is filtered by Transaction Class = Item, you’ll open the .csv of the report in your preferred spreadsheet program and you can filter out donations and box office service fees (if applicable) from Column B.

Refund Report

If you would like to generate a report to show you the value of all of the refunds issued in a particular event bucket, consider using the following settings:

  • Report Type = Ledger Transaction Report

  • Event Bucket = Select the Event Bucket or Buckets that you would like to generate a report for

  • Grouping = No Grouping

  • Select “Include purchaser name and email columns”

  • Filter by Transaction Type = Refund

  • There is no need to filter by Transaction Class

  • Date Range = All Time

This configuration will give you a report that includes the:

  • Date of the refund

  • Transaction Type (Refund) & Class (Pass, Ticket, Item)

  • Transaction Category, Subcategory & Variant (together these describe the pass, ticket or item that was refunded)

  • Account Type (where the refund is coming from)

  • The change in Gross, Fee, Net as a result of the refund

  • Customer name & email (in case you want to look the customer or order up in your Eventive dashboard for further context)

This report can be further refined by filtering by single event or by specifying a particular date range.

If you need to share this report externally and do not want to share the customer details, you may choose not to include the customer name and email columns.

Tax Report

If you would like to generate a report to show the value of all tax charged in a particular event bucket, consider using the following settings:

  • Report Type = Ledger Transaction Report

  • Event Bucket = Select the Event Bucket or Buckets that you would like to generate a report for

  • Grouping = No Grouping

  • Select “Include purchaser name and email columns”

  • There is no need to filter by Transaction Type

  • Filter by Transaction Class = Tax

  • Date Range = All Time

NOTE: This report will only contain data if sales tax is enabled and configured in your Event Bucket Settings under Event Bucket Settings > Open Fee & Tax Settings > Sales Tax > Add Sales Tax

This configuration will give you a report that includes the:

  • Date of the transaction

  • Transaction Type (Payment, or Refund) & Class (Tax)

  • Transaction Category, Subcategory & Variant (together these describe the pass, ticket or item that was the tax was collected on)

  • Account Type (where the payment, or refund is going to / coming from)

  • The change in Gross, Fee & Net as a result of the payment, or refund (in this report Gross is the amount of tax collected from the customer, fee should be $0 and the Net should be the same as Gross)

  • Customer name & email (in case you want to look the customer or order up in your Eventive dashboard for further context)

This report can be further refined by filtering by single event or by specifying a particular date range.

If you need to share this report externally and do not want to share the customer details, you may choose not to include the customer name and email columns.

Gift Cards

If you would like to generate a report to show the value of all tax charged in a particular event bucket, consider using the following settings:

  • Report Type = Ledger Transaction Report

  • Event Bucket = Select the Event Bucket or Buckets that you would like to generate a report for

  • Grouping = No Grouping

  • Select “Include purchaser name and email columns”

  • There is no need to filter by Transaction Type

  • Filter by Transaction Class = Gift Card

  • Date Range = All Time

NOTE: Currently this report shows when gift cards are created / loaded and if they are refunded. For more specific information on transactions where gift cards have been redeemed, please visit Gift cards are currently a beta feature and are only available to organizations approved as beta testers - for more information on Gift Cards, please reach out to Eventive Support.

This configuration will give you a report that includes the:

  • Date of the transaction

  • Transaction Type (Payment, or Refund) & Class (Gift Card)

  • Transaction Category (Gift Card)

  • Account Type (where the payment, or refund is going to / coming from)

  • The change in Gross, Fee & Net as a result of the payment, or refund

  • Customer name & email (in case you want to look the customer or order up in your Eventive dashboard for further context)

This report can be further refined by specifying a particular date range.

If you need to share this report externally and do not want to share the customer details, you may choose not to include the customer name and email columns.

Are there any other reports that I can generate using Ledger Transaction Reports?

The reports illustrated above are by no means the limit to what Ledger Transaction Reports can do. If you have any specific reports you are looking for or any particular questions that you are trying to answer using ledger data, please reach out to Eventive Support and let us know. We are more than happy to look into your needs and suggest what setting configuration can help you get the data you need.

Scheduled ledger reports

I am looking to run a Ledger Report regularly and I’d like to share it by email with select individuals, is that even possible?

Certainly. For reports that you need to run at regular intervals and share specific individuals, you can use Scheduled ledger reports. Scheduled ledger reports are great for sharing information with screening partners, distributors, filmmakers, staff or board members that might not otherwise have access to the Eventive dashboard to access financial reports. The Scheduled ledger reports tool is separate from Custom Ledger Reports, but is also listed in the Global Reports section of your dashboard. You can find scheduled reports by clicking Global Reports followed by Ledger Beta Reports > Scheduled ledger reports > schedule reports on the next screen.

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