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Sales Analytics

Use Sales Analytics to monitor live sales data and create segmented sales report by period or event.

Iddo Patt avatar
Written by Iddo Patt
Updated over 6 months ago

Sales Analytics shows sales segmented by Price Level and Event. Both options contain the same data, but segmented depending on your reporting needs.

Report Segmentation

PRICE LEVEL breaks down sales by the price levels found in every event's ticket bucket.

Screenshot of Sales Analytics by price level showing results for tickets by price point sorted into the following columns: Category, Gross Sales, Net Sales, Fees, Deferred Fees, Quantity, Credit (net) and Cash.

EVENT breaks down sales for each event and groups ticket buckets together.

Screenshot of Sales Analytics by event showing results for tickets by physical event or virtual screening sorted into the following columns: Category, Gross Sales, Net Sales, Fees, Deferred Fees, Quantity, Credit (net) and Cash.

Change Event Buckets to analyze using the dropdown menu and filter analytics by date using the "Click to Filter" button:

Screenshot of the two download buttons located at the bottom of the Sales Analytics page.  The button on the left downloads the report as a CSV, the button on the right downloads the report as a PDF.

Export this data using the Download buttons at the bottom of the page:

Report Columns

Gross Sales

Gross Sales is the total sales for a category without any fees or taxes deducted

Net Sales

Net Sales is the total sales after all fees & taxes are deducted


Fees include all transaction fees, DRM unlock fees deducted at the time of sale, and optional taxes collected

Deferred Fees

Deferred Fees is a tally of all DRM unlock fees from unpaid orders to be invoiced at the end of the month. To better understand how deferred fees work, take a look at our Guide to Understanding the Financial Process.


Quantity is the total number of tickets, passes, or other items sold under that category (event or price level).

Credit (Net)

Credit (Net) is total revenue deposited from Stripe (including cash sales) minus any deferred fees to be invoiced later.


Cash is total sales from cash alone.


Passes, broken down by pass bucket, include all sales generated from passes are reflected here. Notice that there are no deferred fees recorded on passes. No DRM unlock fees are taken out of pass sales directly. When ''free" tickets are reserved with a pass, they are displayed in the $0 ticket row. Tickets reserved via passes are reported as $0 tickets and any associated DRM unlock fee is shown as deferred fee in that row.


Items are anything you've created under item buckets, including donations.


Donations includes the total revenue from donations.

NOTE: Due to reduced processing rates on donations, the fees displayed here may not accurately reflect the reduced fee charged. For a report including accurate donation fees, consider running a custom ledger report showing all items - this ledger report can be filtered in the spreadsheet program of your choice to isolate donations only. For more assistance with custom reports, please contact Eventive Support.


Other refers to revenue that is no longer connected to any specific items ordered. This may include credit card processing fees retained by Stripe on refunded orders or revenue that is collected on a deleted ticket. In your All Orders report or dashboard, any transactions shown as "all items deleted" will be included as "Other" here.

Next Steps

For more ways to analyze your financial data, read our Financial Global Reports & FAQ.

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