Eventive offers deep, constantly-evolving analytics about your audience. All analytics reports can be sorted by key data points to provide you with clear and functional reporting.
Accessing Analytics
Open your event bucket
Click Analytics in the lefthand navigation menu
Click the button corresponding to the analytics you want to explore!
Attendee Analytics
View real-time attendance analytics based on EVENT, VENUE, TAG, or DATE. Analytics show Scanned versus Total standalone tickets, passes, and Rush Line tickets.
EVENT: a single event (physical or virtual) contained within an Event Bucket
VENUE: a physical location (only used for physical events)
TAG: an identifier used to classify films and events, sometimes coded by genre or subject matter
DATE: a day on which one or more events have taken place
SCANNED: a ticket that has been scanned, confirming entry into the event (for virtual content, SCANNED means that the user has clicked "Watched Now" and began streaming their content)
TOTAL: the total number listed include standalone tickets, tickets reserved using passes, and rush-line tickets that were issued but not scanned
UNIQUE: refers to the number of different passes and tickets
Attendance by event (scanned / total)
Click the Download (.CSV) button to export a spreadsheet of your Event Bucket Attendance by Event. This spreadsheet will show you the total number of passes, standalone tickets, and rush-line tickets issued versus the amount scanned broken down by individual Event.
Event Analytics
Event Analytics serves primarily as a marketing and operations planning dashboard with color-coded, sortable displays of orders that has two views - view sales by tickets “Sold/paid/pass/comp” and view ticket sales by “Ticket Bucket”.
In the “Sold/paid/pass/comp” view, you'll find a full breakdown of each individual event contained within the Event Bucket, providing the VENUE, DATE, CAPACITY, SOLD, PAID, PASS, COMP, and PERCENT SOLD of each.
CAPACITY: the total amount of tickets available for the event
SOLD: standalone tickets sold, including paid and complimentary tickets
PAID: purchased tickets
PASS: tickets reserved using a pass
COMP: complimentary tickets
PERCENT SOLD: percentage of SOLD tickets relative to the capacity for the event
In the “Ticket Bucket” view, you’ll see the ticket buckets for each event listed at the top of each column. Each column contains the number of tickets sold and the total seating allocation for that ticket bucket displayed as follows:
[number of tickets sold] / [total quantity]
The Ticket Bucket view is useful for evaluating sales performance for each ticket bucket across your event bucket so that your marketing and box office team can either selectively promote sales targeting a particular event and ticket bucket, or strategically adjust ticket allocations to maximize sales.
Download Event Analytics
Use the Download .CSV and Download PDF buttons to export a spreadsheet or PDF of the full report on tickets versus capacity at each event within the Event Bucket.
Standalone Ticket Analytics
Standalone Ticket Analytics pertain to standalone tickets only and do not reflect analytics on tickets reserved using a pass. This provides a detailed breakdown of all standalone ticket sales by sale type: WEB, BOX OFFICE, and RUSH LINE. There are tables of data broken down by EVENT, VENUE, and TAG.
WEB: tickets purchased online from your Eventive site (not the Eventive Box Office)
BOX OFFICE: tickets purchased at the venue box office or through the Eventive Box Office
RUSH LINE: purchased at the rush line
Standalone ticket sales by event
Use the Download .CSV button to export a spreadsheet of standalone ticket sales by event.
Pass Sales Analytics
Use Pass Sales Analytics to look at sales data related to pass bucket sales. Click the Download (.CSV) button below each breakdown to export the report as a spreadsheet.
Total sales data
Displays the total revenue each pass bucket has generated, as well as breakdowns of the amount of revenue coming from WEB purchases and BOX OFFICE purchases.
Free vs paid breakdown
Displays the number of passes per pass bucket purchased at cost versus issued for free.
Ticket order breakdown
Displays the total and the average number of tickets ordered per pass bucket.
Passes issued by day & Sales volume by day
The Reveal Charts buttons generate line graphs outlining passes issued by day (paid & free) and pass sales by day (paid only).
Pass Ticket Analytics
Pass Ticket Analytics displays tickets ordered by passes (does not include standalone tickets), broken down by Pass Bucket and by Order Type (Web vs. At the Door). Use this to gather data about ticket reservations made by passholders.
Tickets ordered for event by pass bucket
Click the Download (.CSV) button to export a spreadsheet of tickets ordered for each event by each pass bucket.
Recurring Pass Analytics
Recurring Pass Analytics shows the following data for all recurring pass buckets: upcoming renewals/expirations, recent expirations, and new passholders, all in a single dynamic analytics view.
Recurring passes renewing or expiring in the next...
Choose between 14 Days, 30 Days, 60 Days, and 90 Days to generate a list of recurring passes renewing or expiring in a given time. Click the Download (.CSV) button to export a spreadsheet of passes generated.
Expired passes in the past...
Choose between 90 Days, 1 Year, 2 Years, and 3 Years to generate a list of recurring passes that expired within the given time. Click the Download (.CSV) button to export a spreadsheet of passes generated.
New subscriptions in the past...
Choose between 90 Days, 1 Year, 2 Years, and 3 Years to generate a list of new recurring passholders within the given time. Click the Download (.CSV) button to export a spreadsheet of passes generated.
Geo Analytics
Geo Analytics contains a table that shows a breakdown of orders including tickets and passes, and unique customers by postal code.
Web orders by postal code
Click the Download (.CSV) button to export a spreadsheet containing all geo analytics data.
Streaming Analytics
Streaming Analytics is a powerful tool that displays real-time information about what content is being streamed, by whom, where, when, and the progress of that stream. A downloadable report can be generated in the Global Reports section.
Sales Analytics
Sales Analytics displays GROSS SALES, NET SALES, FEES, DEFERRED DEES, QUANTITY, CREDIT (NET), and CASH segmented by PRICE LEVEL or EVENT and filtered by DATE. Displaying by EVENT allows you to create a box office report by screening.
GROSS SALES: total amount of sales
NET SALES = (gross sales + cash) - (fees + deferred fees)
FEES: total amount of transaction fees + DRM unlock fees on paid orders
DEFERRED FEES: total number of DRM unlock fees on unpaid orders
QUANTITY: total number of sales
CREDIT (NET): amount deposited via Stripe minus deferred fees (or net sales + cash sales)
CASH: total amount of cash sales
Discount Analytics
Venue Analytics
Next Steps
To learn more about analyzing your financial data, read our Financial Global Reports article.