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Financial Global Reports & FAQ

How to get the most out of Eventive for financial analysis & planning with Global Reports.

Iddo Patt avatar
Written by Iddo Patt
Updated over 6 months ago

Use Global Reports to generate powerful financial reports for individual event buckets or across multiple event buckets in your organization's Eventive account.

Access Global Reports by scrolling to the very bottom of your left side dashboard menu.

Key Terms


Net is (gross sales) - (fees + deferred fees)


Gross is the total amount of sales


Fees are all transaction fees, DRM unlock fees deducted at the time of sale, and optional taxes collected

Deferred Fees

Deferred Fees are a tally of DRM unlock fees on unpaid orders, which will be invoiced after an event has occurred. Learn more about deferred fees.

Learn more about how fees are calculated.

Available Global Financial Reports

Bank transfer reconciliation by transfer date (unified)

This is a ledger based report that accurately presents credit charges and refunds in a way that respects matching principle. This report includes TICKETS, PASSES, ITEMS (including DONATIONS) and REFUNDS broken out into worksheet tabs corresponding to the date when funds were transferred from Stripe to your Bank. This report can be generated to include Purchaser details and / or Eventive platform metadata. If a discount has been used on an order, the discount ID is included in the report provided that Eventive Platform Metadata was included at the time that the report was generated.

If you have previously relied on Bank transfer log, Bank transfer log (+ gross sales/fees), Detailed bank transfer log (by level/bucket), Bank transfer reconciliation by screening, or Bank transfer reconciliation by individual purchase, please try this report as improvements have been made to the way that the reports allocate fees on ticket and pass purchases that include donations.

Order reconciliation ledger (unified)

This is a ledger based report that accurately presents all payments and refunds in a way that respects matching principle. This report includes TICKETS, PASSES, ITEMS (including DONATIONS) and REFUNDS in a single list according to the transaction (purchase, partial refund or refund, etc.) date. This report can be generated to include Purchaser details and / or Eventive platform metadata. If a discount has been used on an order, the discount ID is included in the report provided that Eventive Platform Metadata was included at the time that the report was generated.

If you have previously made use of the All orders report, please try this report as improvements have been made to the way that the reports allocate fees on ticket and pass purchases that include donations.

Bank transfer log

Use this report to view each bank transfer by date, including a simple breakdown of TICKETS, PASSES, ITEMS, and DONATIONS. Not available for Platform-Managed accounts.

Bank transfer log (+ gross sales/fees)

Use this report to view the Bank Transfer log (above) with additional detail on SALES versus FEES within each category. Not available for Platform-Managed accounts.

Detailed bank transfer log (by level/bucket)

Use this report to view the break down of each bank transfer by TICKET LEVEL and PASS BUCKET. Details include GROSS, NET, FEES, and QUANTITY for Transfer Amounts, Tickets, Tickets broken down by ticket level, Passes, Items, and Donations. Not available for Platform-Managed accounts.

Bank transfer reconciliation by screening

Use this report to view a breakdown of each bank transfer reconciliation by SCREENING. Different bank transfers are shown on different tabs. Details include GROSS transfer amount, NET transfer amount, Taxes collected, Fees, Deferred Fees, Quantity of tickets reserved, Pass reservations, Comp tickets, and Standalone ticket amounts. Not available for Platform-Managed accounts.

Bank transfer reconciliation by individual purchase

Use this report to view a breakdown of each bank transfer reconciliation by individual order within each screening. Different bank transfers are shown on different tabs. Details include GROSS transfer amount, NET transfer amount, Taxes collected, Fees, Deferred Fees, Quantity of tickets reserved, Pass reservations, Comp tickets, and Standalone ticket amounts. Not available for Platform-Managed accounts.

Sales summary report (gross/net/fees)

Use this report to view a basic sales summary for a specific amount of time per Event Bucket. Details include GROSS, NET, and FEES for TOTAL sales, Tickets, Passes, Items, and Donations.

Sales detail report (gross/net/fees by level/bucket)

Use this report to view a Sales Summary Report (above) with additional detail on QUANTITY and CREDIT

Fee reconciliation report

Use only for Physical Events. Use this report to examine gross sales, fees incurred, and settled payments broken down by ticket buckets and pass buckets.

Venue sales log

Use only for Physical Events. Use this report to examine net sales per venue per day.

Daily cash log

Use only for Physical Events. This report provides a daily breakdown of box office cash sales, including rush line.

Daily sales by box office account

Use this report to see box office sales broken down by day and box office user account. Details include Cash Volume, Tickets Sold, Passes Sold, and Items Sold.

Donations grouped by associated event

Use this report to view all donations made within a certain timeframe and in a specific Event Bucket. It will list a breakdown of donations made organized by the event in which those donations were generated. Details include Gross, Net, Fees, and Quantity.

All orders

Use this report to view every individual order made in a single Event Bucket. Details include Date, Type of order, Box office user account, Gross, Net, Refunds, Customer information, Quantity, Event Name, and Postal code. Use the dynamic view on the Dashboard to use the dynamic search / filter function and navigate to specific orders.

Distributor splits (with passes)

The total breakdown of valued revenue for each event including standalone ticket sales and valued sales from pass reservations. Learn more about distributor splits reports.

Daily total sales comparison between event buckets

This is not a downloadable report, but a dynamic graph that compares Event Bucket net sales over a specific period of time.

Custom Ledger Reporting

Use this tool to create Box Office Report by Film, and Ledger Transaction Reports (which include Internal Weekly Summary, Payment Log, and/or Refund Log). Each report has numerous customizations, including the option to filter by order type (Tickets, Passes), transaction type (Payment, Refund, or Adjustment), and the GROSS, FEE, and NET sales information will generate by default. Both the Box Office Report by Film and Ledger Transaction Reports can be generated for all time, or by a custom date range that can be as short as a single day.

  • Box Office Report by Film generates all sales for a specific film or multiple films. Learn more here.

  • Ledger Transaction Report group transaction-level financial data by week, by month, and/or by category.

You can also download all ledger transactions associated with an event easily from each event's Exports page. The export includes tickets as well as associated inline donations, plus purchaser name and email.


What is calculated under Other?

"Other" refers to revenue that is no longer connected to any specific items ordered. This may include credit card processing fees retained by Stripe on refunded orders or revenue that is collected on a deleted ticket. In your all-orders report or dashboard, any transactions shown as "all items deleted" will be included as "other" here.

What is calculated under Difference?

The "Difference" column may reflect various, miscellaneous financial data not otherwise noted. Examples include refunds that were processed after the original invoice containing that order was issued or Stripe deposits for your organization that are not related to your Eventive platform. The latter is typical when organizations use Stripe for other purposes other than Eventive.

How can I connect a refund expense to a particular screening?

Check the ALL ORDERS report and filter for "refunded at" to see with which screening the refund was originally associated.

Why am I seeing financial discrepancies between tickets purchased for the same virtual screening?

If there's no content attached to the screening at the time of sale, the unlock fee is not charged. Instead, it will be picked up later in the monthly invoicing. This is what's called a deferred fee. Tickets purchased before the content has been ingested will not incur a deferred fee at time of purchase. Tickets purchased after the content has been ingested will incur the appropriate estimated deferred fee.

Where can I find individual donor information?​

To view/download individual donation receipts, select your Event Bucket, then Item Buckets. Select Donations, then click View. Here you can view the individual donation receipts (within Actions, on the right) as well as download all individual transactions.

How do I create an official monthly statement for each venue that showed a particular film?

This is a format we are eager to provide in the future! For now, use Sales Analytics, select Event View, filter by the appropriate dates, and click Download CSV. From here, you can use all the information provided to create your own monthly statements specific to your venues.

Next Steps

For more ways to analyze your financial data, read about Eventive Analytics.

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