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Generate Box Office Reports

Create Box Office Reports to track sales per film.

The Eventive Team avatar
Written by The Eventive Team
Updated over 6 months ago

Use Eventive's Box Office Reports tool to easily generate daily or weekly reports for distributors, BOR aggregators, and your theater.

Build a Custom Ledger Report

To create a Box Office Report, first navigate to Global Reports, found at the bottom of your left side dashboard menu.

Click "Build Report" next to Custom Ledger Report.

Select "Box Office Report by Film" under Report Type, then the remaining settings will appear.

First, select the applicable Event Bucket, then add the film(s) you wish to generate a report for.

By default, the date range will be set to All Time, but click the button to choose a specific date range.

NOTE: Reports are generated using the previously completed day's sales data. So if you generate a report on Jan. 1 at 2pm, the latest data will show from Dec. 31.

When you're ready, click the blue Run Report button!

The page may take a few moments to load as data is generated, and when it's ready, the report will appear. Download the report as a .CSV and/or .PDF by clicking the buttons at the bottom of the screen.

The film(s) you selected on the Box Office Report page will appear as rows on the left, organized by screening.

Columns will show number of Sales, Refunds, and Admits, as well as the Gross Total, Fees, Tax, and Net Total in your organization's currency.

Our Box Office Report tool makes it simple to generate crucial ticket sale data for the distributors and filmmakers you work with.

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