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Eventive for Distributors

Connect directly with viewers or partner with theaters to increase the impact of your virtual film catalog.

Star Bessette avatar
Written by Star Bessette
Updated over 6 months ago

Film distributors can use Eventive to connect directly with viewers or partner with theaters to increase the impact of your virtual film catalog, and keep your content secure with Eventive Advanced Antipiracy!

As a distributor, how do I connect with an audience?

Use Eventive to engage directly with audience members and work with cinema partners across the globe in addition to your physical cinema and other VOD offerings.

Create an event bucket for each film in your slate then share your custom virtual watch site address with your audience. For example, if you name your event bucket “MY FUN MOVIE,” the film’s virtual watch site will be “”

When partnering with cinemas, there are two ways to differentiate screenings between multiple cinemas:

  1. Create a new event bucket per cinema

    • Title the event bucket “MY BIG MOVIE + Cinema Partner” to create a watch site with the url “”.

    • After the screening concludes, use the reporting features in that event bucket to split revenue with your cinema partner.

  2. Create an event bucket for each film, then create cinema-specific virtual screenings within that event bucket

    • Each virtual screening will have a unique URL to make directing audiences to that specific cinema’s screening easy.

    • After the screening concludes, use the reporting features in that event bucket to split revenue with your cinema partner.

Regardless of how you prefer to connect with film lovers, the Eventive watch site is an ideal PVOD addition to your new release and catalog title revenue strategy!

How do BORs and payment splits work within the platform?

In addition to the robust, granular analytics available for screenings, traditional box office reports are easy to generate to ensure your accounting and revenue splits are accurate.

Distributors can also automatically pay out ticket proceeds and donations to one or multiple screening/event partners using our Revenue Sharing feature. This feature will save you (and your accountants) a ton of time and keep your partners happy with efficient, consistent payouts.

Can I promote my films on Eventive?

Yes, you can promote individual films, your slate, and all partner screenings on by adding them to our Discovery Portal.

Is Eventive integrated with Comscore?

Yes! Ask us about Comscore integration options by sending us a chat.

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