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Livestream Modes

Eventive offers three different modes to choose from when creating a livestream event.

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Written by The Eventive Team
Updated over 6 months ago

3 Livestream Modes

When creating a Livestream or VOD + Live event, you'll be presented with three livestream modes to choose from. Read about each livestream mode below!

Eventive Native secure livestream with live chat

This mode is Eventive's native livestream platform, which you run through the Livestreaming Hub. Livestreams run on Eventive Native mode are secure and provide the most seamless user experience, with a live chat window automatically enabled so your audience can participate and chat alongside the livestream in real time.

Embedded Player

Use this option if you're hosting your livestream on a separate livestream platform, such as YouTube Live or Facebook Live, and you want to embed the livestream video onto your virtual screening's watch page using HTML. This mode does not provide the live chat function, and it requires knowledge of embedding HTML.

You will obtain the raw embed code from the livestreaming site and paste it into the "Raw embed code" field as shown in screenshot below.

Be sure to obtain the full 1920x1080 version of the embed to fill the entire player window, and check that you set width=100% and height=100%.

External Instructions

Use this mode if you're hosting your livestream on a separate livestream platform or website, and rather than embed the video onto your Eventive watch page, you want your audience to see instructions telling them where to go to watch the livestream. This mode does not provide the Eventive live chat function.

Your audience can click directly on any link you provide to open the external livestream in a new tab or follow the instructions you write in order to watch the livestream.

When your audience clicks "Enter Livestream" on a virtual screening using External Instructions mode, they will see a pop-up window with the link or written instructions you provided, and the email confirmation they receive for this event will include the same text.

NOTE: Pre-roll and post-roll video content will not play on Livestream Only virtual screenings.

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