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A Guide to Eventive Native Livestreams
A Guide to Eventive Native Livestreams

How to launch your livestream using Eventive Native Livestream mode.

The Eventive Team avatar
Written by The Eventive Team
Updated over a week ago

Read this guide for a thorough, step-by-step explanation of how to run your livestream using Eventive Native Livestream mode.

A few pieces of advice before diving into the how-to:

2. Choose your streaming source (ie. Zoom, Google Meet, OBS). Check out our list of compatible sources here!

3. Assemble your team! We recommend appointing a team member to manage the livestream, who can focus on becoming familiar with your chosen platform, facilitating the livestream, and moderating the chat. Only users with Administrator or Virtual Event Manager roles can run livestreams.

4. Have all team members involved in the production watch our Starting Your Livestream video -- and send them this article!

5. Schedule a time to test your livestream setup. We recommend doing so at least one week prior to the event. Run a test by creating a new virtual screening clearly titled TEST. Do not run tests on your actual ticketed screening. You can run a livestream only ONE time, so if you test on your real event, you will not be able to livestream again on that screening.

NOTE: Up to $100 of Premium Livestream tests are included in your annual activation. Any testing of Premium Livestreams that exceeds $100 will be added to your invoice.

Premium vs. Basic Livestreams

You have two modes to choose from when setting up your livestream: Basic Livestream or Premium Livestream

You will make your selection from the Livestreaming Hub.




($10 / hour + $0.99 per unlock)


Up to 720p

Up to 1080p


Basic security

Multi-platform MPAA-approved DRM security


Single bitrate

Adaptive bitrate quality re-encoding

HD Export

Additional fee for export of livestream

Free HD export of livestream

TV App

No TV app playback

TV app support

Live Captions

Available for $0.03 per minute

Free automatic Captions

Maximum Duration

Up to 6 hours

Up to 24 hours

Ready to launch?

After you've created your virtual screening with livestream and decided which video conferencing platform you will be using, follow the instructions below to set up your livestream. As a reminder, only users with Administrator or Virtual Event Manager roles can run livestreams.

We also highly encourage you to watch this brief step-by-step video to see livestream setup in action.

Once you've created your Livestream or VOD + Live virtual screenings, a livestream is automatically created in your Livestreaming Hub.

How to Launch an Eventive Native Livestream

Users must have either an Administrator or Virtual Event Manager role to run livestreams.

1. Click Virtual Screenings on the left side menu, then click Livestreaming Hub.

2. Find the livestream you created in a virtual screening and click "Manage Livestream."

3. Choose either Basic or Premium livestream mode.

4. If you have “Start with preview window” selected (this is default), you will click the blue “Start Streaming to Preview Window” button.

The Preview Window allows you to set up your livestream and push “Go Live to Audience” once you’re 100% ready to go live! Starting in the Preview Window will require you to click “Go Live to Audience” after confirming that the video and audio routing have been input properly and you can see and hear the on-screen talent.

If you have “Immediately stream live once inputs are connected” selected, the blue button will say “Start Streaming.”

5. An RTMP link will appear shortly, this may take up to 5 minutes, so please be sure to click 'Start streaming to preview window' with enough lead time before the scheduled start livestream. Copy this URL.

You can only generate this RTMP link once, and it will remain active for a maximum of 60 minutes without content being detected. Any longer and the stream may automatically terminate.

This is an example of what the page looks like when you generate an RTMP link to start in the Preview Window. Please note that the Steam key will be different for each livestream

6. Once you've checked your sound and video and feel confident you're ready, go to the service of your choice to enter the RTMP link you copied.

Look for a button or section on the video hosting platform that refers to starting a livestream, as this is where you'll enter the RTMP link, stream key, and watch page URL.

On Zoom, for example, click the "More" button at the bottom of the Zoom call, select "Live on Custom Live Streaming Service," and you will be sent to a page where you'll add the RTMP link, streaming key, and watch page URL.

​NOTE: Please create NEW Zoom meeting links for each livestream. Do not connect an Eventive livestream to a previously used or recurring meeting link.

7. Enter the stream key, which is different for every livestream. In this example, the stream key is 6b38bab3c358059fbbdbb088f59ca4ad

8. If the video hosting platform asks for it, enter the URL of the virtual watch page where your audience will be watching the livestream -

To copy your virtual watch page URL, click "View" next to the virtual screening, then either click the "Copy Public Link" button or the "View Live" button and copy the URL from your browser.

9. After adding the RTMP link to your streaming encoder, go back to the Livestreaming Hub and check your content in the Preview Window.

If you can see what your encoder is streaming out, you’re ready to proceed! If you cannot, adjust your input or output settings until the content is properly displayed in this window.

10. When you're ready, click the Go Live To Audience button!

The stream will go live moments after clicking Go Live to Audience, so we advise that once the button is clicked, ask the on-screen talent to wait 3 to 5 seconds, then they can start talking! If you are using Streamyard or OBS, you can use title cards to make the transition even smoother.

11. You’re now live! Please note that when the stream goes live to the audience, the preview window will disappear.

Click Enter Livestream on your virtual screening page to see the audience experience.

There is about a 20-30 second delay between the livestream source and what your audience sees on Eventive. This is normal and cannot be changed!

Remind anyone participating in the livestream that if they have the Eventive Watch Page open on their computer - to read audience chat questions, for example - they need to mute the Eventive livestream feed to avoid creating an echo or feedback loop!

This is what it looks like after you click Enter Livestream:

Having issues entering the livestream? Are you 100% sure you’ve created a ticket bucket for the virtual screening? If a virtual screening with livestream doesn’t have a ticket bucket created, no one will be able to enter the livestream.

12. VERY IMPORTANT!!! After your livestream has ended, click Stop Streaming in the Livestreaming Hub!

Livestream FAQ

How do we feed questions from the audience chat box to livestream participants?

Open your Livestream Hub and scroll down to Live Chat Management. Click the "Open in New Tab" button, then share the URL with your livestream moderator! All they'll need open is the livestream host site (ie. Zoom) and the page containing the live chat questions.

Alternatively, the moderator may have the Eventive Watch Page open in their browser, but they'll need to mute the Eventive livestream feed to avoid creating an echo or feedback loop!

How do I manage comments in the chat box?

Click "Manage" next to the livestream in your Livestream Hub, then scroll down to Live Chat Management. You can participate in the chat -- the default setting is that your Organization name will display when you participate from the Livestream Hub, but you can change your display name in the Virtual tab of the Configurator.

Delete messages by hovering over a message and clicking on the three dots in the upper righthand corner of the message. You can only do this if your role is Administrator or Virtual Event Manger.

Can someone from Eventive run my livestream for me?

We offer Livestream Supervision for $250 per livestream event. An Eventive team member will connect your livestream and provide live event supervision and support. This service is provided only for Eventive Native Livestreams, and not livestreams to any external destinations.

To add on Livestream Supervision, please send us a message via the message window or email

Is there a video to walk me through starting my livestream?

Yes, please be sure to watch our Starting Your Livestream video.

When should we launch our livestream?

We suggest going through the above steps 20 to 30 minutes before your livestream is scheduled to start.

How can I test my livestream setup?

Once your virtual screening is set up, click the Duplicate button (circled in red below) to make a copy of the screening.

Rename the screening “TEST” and change both the livestream dates and availability window to the time you’d like to test the livestream function.

Lastly, click the “Hidden from Public” button under "Visibility" to ensure this test livestream doesn’t appear on your public site.

NOTE: Up to $100 of Premium Livestream tests are included in your annual activation. Any testing of Premium Livestreams that exceeds $100 will be added to your invoice.

How can I avoid being charged for my livestream test?

If you test using Basic Livestream mode, you will not be charged. If you test using Premium Livestream mode, please include the word "TEST" in the name of your livestream. Please keep your test livestreams under 30 minutes in length. Up to $100 of Premium Livestream tests are included in your annual activation. Any testing of Premium Livestreams that exceeds $100 will be added to your invoice.

What is the audience experience like?

If the screening is VOD + Live, the Eventive player will seamlessly transition for your audience from the virtual film screening into the livestream. Alternatively, if your audience wants to just watch the livestream (ie. they watched the VOD film a few days before the livestream start time), they'll simply select the livestream from the right sidebar and click “Enter livestream” at the designated time. There is a countdown clock on the livestream window to let you know when it will start.

How do I turn on live captions?

In the Livestream Hub, check the box for live captions to activate this option. Live transcription captions are automatically included at no cost on Premium livestreams, and cost $0.03/minute on Basic livestreams if you choose to add them. There will be a CC button in the lower righthand corner of the watch window for livestreams that have live captions enabled.

Can livestreams be watched after they’re over?

Yes, livestreams are recorded and made available to ticket holders for the duration of the virtual screening’s availability window.

Is there a limit to how long my livestream is?

Yes. Basic livestreams will auto-terminate after 6 hours. Premium livestreams auto-terminate after 24 hours. This time limit includes all time spent in the preview window.

How do I download the livestream after it’s over?

Check out our livestream download help article here: Livestream Downloads

What is the preview window?

The preview window is a new feature that serves as a buffer between the moment you connect to the livestream and the moment you go live to your audience. By starting streaming in the preview window, you'll be able to feel 100% confident that all your livestream participants are ready before clicking the button that will make you go live in front of your audience. You can remain in the preview window for up to one hour before going live to your audience.

Does the chat feature work for all the livestream modes?

The Eventive chat feature only exists for Eventive Native livestreams, or livestreams run through Eventive (done by following the directions in this article). If your livestream events are embedded from another livestream platform (ie. YouTube, Facebook Live), the chat feature will not appear.

Can you check my settings for me?

Although we are happy to check your settings, the time in which we do so is subject to the length of our current support queue. If you notify us in advance, we are more likely able to be available when you test. Guaranteed live support is available through our Premium Support package.

Livestream Supervision

Want more hands-on help? Consider our Livestream Supervision add-on. Learn more here.

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