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Virtual Event Checklist

No one likes surprises on day one! Consult this checklist to ensure you're ready to launch your virtual festival or event.

Alana Davis avatar
Written by Alana Davis
Updated over 6 months ago

*All links will bring you to an in-depth help article about the topic!

Have you checked your general Event Bucket Settings?

Have you made sure all applicable features have been enabled/disabled? Make sure to scroll down and check your Additional Settings as well!

Have you created Ticket Buckets for all of your virtual screenings?

Remember, even free screenings need ticket buckets!

Have you confirmed that tickets are marked as Public for Online Customer Orders?

This is automatically enabled when a new ticket bucket is created.

Have you connected to Stripe or contacted us about a platform-managed account?

You will not be able to accept any payments if you're charging for anything (including donations) without connecting to Stripe. Do this in the "Manage Organization" section of your Dashboard.

Have you set up your Discounts and Pass Rules?

Check out our Discount & Pass Bucket troubleshooting articles!

Have you added Display Sections to all of your Virtual Screenings?

You must do this in order for your virtual screenings to appear on your Virtual Catalog page! This step is an extremely important one that can easily be overlooked.

Have you customized your pass sales, film guide, and welcome pages in the Configurator?

Check out our collection of Configurator articles for a thorough explanation of the customization settings available on each tab!

Have you established Availability, Unlock & Watch Windows for each of your virtual screenings?

Have you thoroughly tested your Virtual event?

To ensure everything works the way you want it to, make sure to take the time to test all aspects of your user experience. Use Admin Preview mode to unlock a test ticket and check pre-roll, post-roll, and film content!

If you are running an Eventive Native Livestream, have you tested that, too?

Are you aware of the Audience Support Chat & Audience FAQ?

Directing your audience to the Audience Support chat is the fastest and easiest way to reach our team. Find the "Need Help?" button at the top of every screening's watch page.

Are you aware of the Organizer Chat Support hours?

If you are discovering immediate issues after hours, our team will respond as soon as support hours resume.

We hope these tools along with the rest of our Help Center aid in a smooth and successful event for you and your team!

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