Download all ticket and donation transactions for a physical event or virtual screening with the Event Ledger Transactions export.
This export can provide the most accurate, comprehensive data regarding payouts and line items. It's a great way to filter for donations within a specific event, while including audience names and emails. Perfect for finding the contact information for an event's donors!
Navigating to the Exports Tab
To find Event Ledger Transactions, first click "View" next to the event or screening:
Then open the Exports tab:
And click "Download all ledger transactions"
The export will automatically download as .CSV spreadsheet file containing the following data.
Report Columns
TIME PERIOD - The month and year of the transaction.
CATEGORY - This will show the title of the screening/event if the order was for a ticket, or DONATION if the order was a donation.
DATE - The date and time the order was placed.
TYPE - This will say PAYMENT or ADJUSTMENT, if the line item is for a deferred fee.
CLASS - TICKET for ticket purchases or ITEM for donations.
SUBCATEGORY - This will show the ticket bucket the order came from.
VARIANT - The name of the ticket bucket variant the order came from, if applicable, will display here.
ACCT TYPE - This will show STRIPE for paid orders and NONE for free orders.
GROSS - The total price of the order before fees.
FEE - The total amount of fees taken out of the order, displayed as a negative number.
NET - The GROSS minus FEE amount netted by your organization from this order.
NAME - The customer's name.
EMAIL - The customer's email address.