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Label and Button Customization
Label and Button Customization

Customize the default labels, terms, and language used across Eventive.

Iddo Patt avatar
Written by Iddo Patt
Updated over 6 months ago

Labels, terms, and text that you can customize within the platform.

The elements listed below can be customized to reflect your organization’s terminology and localized to the language used predominantly by your audience.

Customizations in the Configurator

These customizations are primarily made in the Configurator.

The default phrases that can be customized are italicized below.

Term to use for “schedule”: schedule

Term to use for “pass”: pass

Term to use for “film guide”: film guide

Label for “Buy Passes”: Buy Passes

Unreleased content: The schedule has not yet been released. Check back soon!

“Order tickets” button label: Order tickets (Note: Changing the text here will change the buttons on your Schedule and Event pages)

“Sold out” button label: Sold Out

Use different RSVP Label: RSVP required

Sold out message: Sorry, this event is sold out.

Standalone tickets disabled: Sorry, standalone tickets are not available for this event.

"My Tickets" description:

These are all your purchased tickets. Open this page on your phone, and at the door tap the "Show Barcode" button and show your screen to the attendant. Prefer paper? Print the PDF attached to the order confirmation email, or click one of the gears below and select "Download tickets PDF". If purchasing multiple tickets, be sure to print or show each unique ticket barcode.

Standalone tickets locked:

Sorry, standalone ticket sales are currently disabled. If you know the password, you can unlock them.

Ticket order success:

Check your email—a printable copy of these tickets is waiting for you. You can access your tickets at any time in the web interface simply by clicking "My Tickets" in the upper righthand corner. Just visit this site on your phone at the venue and present your tickets electronically!

Section Title: Passes

Buy button label: Buy ({{price}})

Pass not applicable error: This pass does not apply to this event.

"No passes" description: You don’t have any {{passes}}.

"My Passes" description:

These are all the passes tied to your account. Now, use our online schedule to reserve tickets. You can access your tickets via {{my_tickets_link|"My Tickets"}} or via the PDFs attached to each ticket order confirmation email. {{buy_pass_link|Looking to buy more passes?}}

Pass order success message:

Your order has been completed successfully. Now, reserve your tickets: from the schedule, click "Order Tickets" and then select the pass you'd like to use to complete the order. Enjoy your event!

Order message:

Quick order {{quantity}} {{tickets}} with pass "{{pass}}" ({{price}})...

Ticket orders error message:

Ticket orders are currently disabled for this pass.

Unreleased film guide: The film guide has not yet been released check back soon!

Request donations > Title for donation: Donation to {{name}}

Donation page title: Donate

Inline Donation message: Please support our organization with an optional donation.

Donation Page content: Please support our organization by making a donation.

Donation success message: Your donation has been received. Thank you for your support.

Show one-time interstitial: One more thing…

Catalog tab title: Catalog

Lead text catalog page: Welcome to the {{name}} Virtual Festival!

Body text catalog page:

Explore our on-demand catalog here, and head over to the {{livestreams|Live Streams}} tab to see what's coming up.

Body text on livestreams page:

Here's what's coming up soon. Can't make it? No sweat. Many live streams will be available for on-demand viewing as well.

Donations at checkout > Custom donation prompt message:

Support {{name}} and cover our streaming costs with an optional donation.

Checkout donation request message:

Support {{name}} and cover our streaming costs with an optional donation.

Virtual Screening Page "Unlock Now" button:

This is the one customizable button that can only be changed on an individual screening page. This button cannot be changed on an event bucket level. It can be accessed in the Edit section of a virtual screening under "miscellaneous" settings:

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